Chemical peeling face (reviews!)

 Renewal of the skin using a chemical peel is called "medical peeling" and "chemical grafting". This procedure is gaining popularity aesthetic dermatology is not only able to instantly improve the appearance, but also helps to overcome serious problems, including pigmentation disorders, scars of different origin, wrinkles. The only "but" - the more efficient is used when peeling the composition, the less he is safe. Women's magazine JustLady presents an overview of modern methods of "chemical plastics" and reminds us that autumn and winter with their lack of sunlight - the best time for peeling.

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Everyone remembers the tale of the princess, resets the nasty frog skins and turn into a beautiful woman. It is unlikely that our ancestors practiced chemical peelsBut his metaphorical essence in this image is transmitted very true: a mixture of acids to be applied to the skin "burns" a certain part of it. After chemical burn (the degree determined by the proportion of drugs, duration, and, ultimately, the planned effect) healed the world presents updated bezuprechenoe face.

There are three degrees of penetration chemical peels: Superficial, middle and deep. Their appointment shall be an expert cosmetologist or dermatologist based on the type and condition of the skin of the patient, the severity of defects need to be addressed, and, of course, possible contraindications.

Chemical peels instead of lunch

Superficial chemical peels called "Lunch-peeling." This is the most gentle of all himpilingovIt requires minimal training and leaves no residue requiring healing. At Superficial peels peeled epidermis layer thickness of about 0, 06 mm - enough to refresh the picture face, improve skin condition acne, smooth fine wrinkles most make less visible shallow spots, pull the large pores. For a more significant and long-term effect it is recommended rate superficial peeling Repeat the procedure every few weeks (depending on the recommendations of cosmetologist). The procedure lasts 10 to 30 minutes and is usually completely painless, sometimes the patient feels tingling and burning.

Tosuperficial peeling the most commonly used formulations based on fruit acids (lactic, tartaric, malic, citric, glycolic) known as AHA (alpha-hydroxy). By AHA peeling and carry almond peelingIn which the acid is applied from an extract of bitter almonds. Superficial peels can also be a glycol - the advantage of this acid in ultrasmall size of molecules: they are able to penetrate the skin's protective barrier and without damaging it, to stimulate the production of collagen.

Best results superficial peeling provides when used on young skin (20-35 years) and in the event that defects are reduced to oily skin, rashes or single pigment spots. Today you can buy home kits superficial peeling production, for example Faberlic or Clinique, as claimed by manufacturers, their use provides about 30% of the effect of salon treatments.

Occupy an intermediate position retinoic peeling and salicylic acid peels (BHA). They are considered "surface-median", because the ability to "interfere" in the skin deeper than fruit or glycol, but at the same time, their use is less traumatic and generally well tolerated. The same applies to " Jessner peel"- A cocktail of retinoic, lactic and salicylic acid, which is preferred in some salons.

Chemical peeling face (reviews!)

The truth is somewhere in the middle

 Median peeling removes the top layer of the dermis thickness of approximately 0, 45 mm. This method is recommended for smoothing began to age the skin, remove pigment spots of various origins and treatment of keratosis. Median peeling is considered to be a form of non-surgical lifinga tissue, its main component, trichloroacetic acid (TCA) at a concentration of 35%, is able not only to "remove from the skin shavings", but also normalizes cell renewal, encourages the production of collagen and elastane. Incidentally, in some cases, a low concentration of TCA (15%) is used for a specific type superficial peelingCalled easy peel and apply, if the patient wants to get rid of age spots, but not ready for a long-term recovery.

TCA is often combined with other substances, and the acid concentration is determined individually based on the type and thickness of the skin, as well as the complexity of the defects. Usually the peel this type is preceded by preparation, including the use of special two-week glycol, or retinoic AHA creams, prepares the skin for a more severe test.

 Median peeling can not be called pleasant - it is almost always caused considerable pain. After the execution of this patient waiting relatively long recovery period: 2-3 days saved swelling and redness, 7-14 days the skin is tightened and extremely dry, and only after 3-4 weeks the person comes back to normal. If you decide to median peeling, Think about how to take a vacation or work for a while at home, especially in the recovery period you will often see a doctor for postoperative monitoring and possibly take medication to reduce the risk of contamination and infection.

TCA can be used for skin renewal, not only the person but also the neck, chest, arms and back of the hand. But he has and contraindications - for example, trichloroacetic acid is not recommended for Southerners with dark skin, as well as patients who are prone to the appearance of keloids or suffering from vitiligo.

And you want to, and burns

 Deep peels - Very effective and very dangerous way to rejuvenate and refresh the skin. Typically, it is used for phenol, also known as "chemical lasers", but in reality a crushing effect is determined by the presence in the peeling of another component - croton oil, for which phenol is a "companion", but immortalized in terminology. Contraindications associated with the use of deep phenol peel, apply, including, for kidney, liver, heart and circulatory system.

 Phenol peels removes substantially all of the skin surface layer, otshelushivaya about 0 6mm. As a result of this intervention after wound healing, which becomes almost the entire face, the skin becomes firm and smooth, fade even deep wrinkles, scars, blemishes. This leads many to accept the long and painful recovery period (sometimes it takes up to six months!), During which the person is a mask varying degrees of swelling and redness.

 Deep chemical peels gives a very long-term effect, often continuing for decades. Curiously, it is almost never used in Europe because of the large number of contraindications and the inability to predict the duration of rehabilitation, but is very popular in the United States and Russia. Phenol peelsAs well as the TSA banned herpes, vitiligo, and not recommended for dark-skinned and dark-skinned. In addition, he has the ability to provoke unpleasant hyperpigmentation, which is a bit ironic, because other types of peels are struggling with it.

 Any peeling requires specific post-treatment. After the procedure, the treated area is recommended to cool (for example, by means of thermal water) and moisturizing (light gels and creams after superficial peeling, more intense after the middle and deep). Absolutely necessary protection against solar radiation - even on a cloudy day not to go out without applying the cream with a factor of at least SPF30. Try as little as possible to touch the face with his hands, and in any case does not abrade or scrape exfoliates the skin, it will help prevent infection and scarring. Be sure to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and immediately contact them if you think that the healing is not as it should.

 Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: burn, Ambassador, forum, peeling, acid, a hospital, a period disadvantage review, contraindications, pilling