Autumn problem skin

 Any change of the season - a serious stress to the skin, so in the early fall to be taken care of promptly restoring its natural protective barrier. Beauty secret is to systematically skin care given its type and well-balanced selection of cosmetics.

Autumn treatments for skin care should focus on three main issues: dryness, wrinkles, pigmentation.

Autumn is appropriate to recall the peeling. It perfectly refresh your skin. For this procedure, you should always find the time.

Purification of this time of year should be gentle, as the skin is injured, not only the summer sun, but also climate change. It is undesirable to use lotions that contain alcohol (even if the skin is oily) until it recovers the epidermis.

In autumn, the recommended twice a week, use a face scrub. It will help to remove the layer of dead skin cells and cleanse the pores.

Biostimulating mask gives the skin of the face and decollete fresh, smart appearance. On it is necessary to recall once a week, as well as about a moisturizing mask that increases the tone and elasticity, stimulates the growth of young and healthy cells, smoothes fine lines.

Autumn many women torturing a problem such as acne. Those who have oily skin, beauticians recommend washing the cotton swab with table salt "Extra" or baking soda, taken in equal proportions with powdered borax.

Good tool can serve you lotion made from herbs that you can always buy at the pharmacy. Mix 1 teaspoon of peppermint leaves, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort and limes. Pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. After straining to park the obtained lotion, add 1 teaspoon of glycerin.

To weaken the activity of the sebaceous glands and reduce inflammation, it is necessary to take into preparations purified sulfur and vitamins A, E and B vitamins

Every woman wants her face was constantly charming, fresh and beautiful. However, the weather conditions will inevitably impact on the skin. Therefore, we must constantly take care of her. One of the most common ways to skin care - the use of masks. Considered to be the besthomemade mask for popular recipes.

Mask for oily skin

• Vitamin Mask

Whisk the egg whites and add 1 tsp. Sea buckthorn juice. Apply the mask on for 20 minutes, then rinse with water, acidified with cranberries.

• Rowan mask

1 tbsp. a spoonful of mashed berries rowan mix with 2 tbsp. spoons of yogurt and 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice. Apply to the skin for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

• Grape Mask

It whipped into a thick foam egg white, add 2 teaspoons of grape pulp. After 15-20 minutes the mask rinse with cold water.

• Autumn Mask

Mix the parsley with yogurt and lemon juice, add the starch slurry or bran and gently apply to the face. This recipe is the best fit for oily skin.

• Potato mask

Apply to your face warm mashed potatoes. After 20-30 minutes the mask rinse with cold water.

Masks for dry skin

• Mask of sea buckthorn

Mix 1 tsp. Cream and add 1 tsp. Sea buckthorn juice. Keep on the face for 15 minutes.

• Purifying Mask-mousse

Apply to cleansed face thin strips of melon or melon pulp, mashed together with plum and diluted with vegetable oil. This mousse is designed for dry skin.

• Mask of rowan

Grind 1 tbsp. spoon of butter with 1 tsp. juice rowan. Apply on face and rinse after 20 minutes infusion of linden.

• Mask of tomatoes

Mix 2 tablespoons of tomato juice and flour, put the mixture on your face, cover the top with gauze, hold for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Masks and lotions for all skin types

Grape juice moisten a cotton swab and wipe them previously cleansed face and neck. After 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water juice.

• Lotion from grape vinegar

In mint broth (2 teaspoons dry mint boil for 2 minutes at 0, 5 liters of water), pour in half a liter of wine vinegar, the mixture cool and then add 2 tablespoons of rose water or infusion of rose petals.

• Apple Mask

Grate on a fine grater half an apple, add 1 tbsp. honey 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp. ascorbic acid and 1 tsp. vegetable oil. All good rub and apply on face for 15 minutes and then rinse with cold water.

• Squash mask

1 small zucchini mince, wait until the juice is highlighted, and add 1 egg yolk to enhance binding and disinfectant properties. On cleansed face and neck to put the resulting mass with a thick layer, hold for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water and wipe the skin tonic.

Solve the problems of any skin can and with the help of cosmeticcocktail masks.

In any vegetable mush can add potato starch (to the consistency of sour cream) or egg yolk (will also be good for your skin).

To improve the complexion is recommended to rub cheeks and neck slice beets, and then apply a thin layer on the skin nourishing cream. After 10 minutes, remove.

Masks and lotions for dry and normal skin

Rub the chicken egg yolk with 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil, add half a teaspoon of honey and grape juice. The mixture was put on the skin with your fingers, washed with warm infusion of lime blossom, in two stages with an interval of 5-7 minutes. Wash off with a cotton swab dipped in a cold infusion of linden. Suitable for dry and normal skin.

Some simple beauty treatments based on natural vitamins: vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs - will help us to cope with the consequences of the beach season and prepare the skin for the upcoming cold, wind and frost.

Every woman would like to have flawless skin. Give it at least a few minutes a day, and it will always delight you with purity and freshness.

Tags: skin