100% beauty recipes - homemade facial masks

 In cosmetics, medicinal and decorative, there is hardly another procedure is as popular for its simplicity and efficiency, as a mask. Face masks have been successfully applied on their own, at home, and are widely used for medicinal purposes. In the latter case, the mask contains certain drugs.

If a cosmetic mask aims to nutrition, cleansing, whitening and as a result, skin rejuvenation, the medical mask is a targeted therapeutic procedure, where it is not necessary to show excessive independence and do something without the consent of a specialist.

Buthome, homemade mask - It is very good, especially that requires almost no additional costs, as usually constructed improvised. My mother, for instance, never missed an opportunity to rub face strawberry or cucumber. In the family, it was an occasion for jokes, but my mother's skin many envy.

However, it is important to know what action to provide vegetables and fruits on the skin. For example, the banana will smooth the skin, soften and moisturize, and if the skin is dry, but still inflamed, it is indispensable raw zucchini. Some advise and even eggplant to try, but I'm remembering how to darken little blue hands, I will not advise you of this. Grape and raspberry are also some good moisturizers, plus they provide your skin a comprehensive health benefits, as well as cranberries, which, moreover, tightens pores.

The same effect can be achieved with the help of currant, red, black, white, and cherries, but the lemon juice should not be abused, it is better to add a drop of the different masks.

Tired skin will help cucumber, apricot and peach. The latter, by the way, it helps soften and smooth. But Tomato mask is suitable only for very oily skin, as much dries.

In winter, when fruit and vegetables, not very large variety, and vitamins in the body receives very little, make it a rule to make an apple-carrot mask is suitable for all skin types, has no contraindications and is acceptable in terms of finances.

As you know, in the preparation of masks important to decide what you want the effect of: drying, moisturizing, softening, removal of fatigue ... And then the skin to mask it is necessary to prepare: wash, remove hair from the face, fix them, so as not to fall. And only then begin.

Recently, a lot of masks of industrial origin, which are available ready-made, and sometimes in the form of wipes impregnated with a nutrient solution. Which one to use - you decide. I always prepare the mask itself, because so I am fully confident that my skin will get all the freshest and best. In addition, there are several recipes for masks that are not only very much alive for a century of its existence, but also continue to gain popularity.

Such masks, for example, refersMask proteinWhen beaten with a drop of lemon juice protein applied to the face, left to dry and then wash off. This mask is very popular with entertainers, artists, theater and film, television journalists, because it provides a sharp visual rejuvenating effect: firms the skin, smoothes wrinkles, opens his eyes.

Anothermiraculous mask - A mask based on the solution of tincture of calendula (calendula 1 tablespoon for half a glass of cold boiled water). This solution soaked cotton pads (or cloth) and put on face for half an hour. Calendula is a part of many creams, especially for children, and is known for its disinfecting effect.

Alice Henry

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Tags: company, fatigue, mask, beauty, recipe