What causes early wrinkles

What causes early wrinkles
 Even a young person early wrinkles were added a few years and this despite the fact that they rarely are associated with skin aging. They are likely to contribute to the emergence of long-term exposure precipitating factors or health problems. After all, a person is like a mirror - reflects what is happening inside the body.  
 Causes of early wrinkles are quite diverse and each they own. But among them are the most common. Awareness of these will help to prevent skin change or successfully deal with it.

Dry skin. It lacks flexibility since not fully protected by the film formed as a result of the normal activity of the sebaceous glands. As a result, any provocation, such as excessive facial expressions, vitamin deficiency, dehydration and lack of blood supply - causes early wrinkles.

Excessive facial expressions. Grimace habit or to express their emotions through facial passes without a trace for the skin. Repetitive lifting eyebrows, lowering the corners of the mouth, eyes narrowed, and the like cause the appearance of first subtle dashes, and soon it is formed wrinkles.

Health problems. One of the main causes of early wrinkles is a malfunction of an organ. Heart disease manifested brow dash. In diseases of the bladder and kidneys are formed between the eyebrows, or go from the inner corners of the eyes and nose wings to the lower jaw. The problems with the digestive system warns the nasolabial folds and fine wrinkles at the outer corners of the eyes.

Slagging of the body. The intensity of this process occurs in all different ways and is connected with it a way of life and nutrition. That is why one manages to maintain a youthful appearance into old age, while others have to start the fight against skin aging in the younger years.

Dehydration. All cells, including skin cells require water. With insufficient her arrival they begin to slowly wither. As a result, the process of cell renewal slows down, the skin becomes elastic and more dense. All this contributes to the appearance of early wrinkles.

Micronutrient deficiencies: vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Deficiency in the body is experiencing them quite often. If not periodically take multivitamin preparations, the skin becomes dry and prone to early wrinkles.

Wrong skin care. Cosmetics are not appropriate to the type of skin or season of the year can make a person vulnerable to aggressive influence of weather factors: solar, wind, cold, frost. Defending yourself from them, it begins to be updated slowly to form a thicker stratum corneum. He becomes a cause of constant dryness and flaking, and in the future onset of wrinkles.

Tags: the body, the skin, the first care, appearance, cause aging, dehydration, slags