Pie Face Lift: indications, rehabilitation, result

Pie Face Lift: indications, rehabilitation, result
 Over the years, the skin loses its elasticity, on the face of the first wrinkles appear, the oval becomes less clear, as before, the cheeks droop. Some defects can be corrected with the help of massage, different cosmetic products and procedures, but dramatically improve the condition of the skin on the face, can only pull oval face lift or facelift.

Circular facelift is today one of the most popular operation in cosmetic surgery. After this procedure, not only improves the oval of the face, but the wrinkles disappear, the skin becomes more supple and taut.

Plastic face can be performed by various methods. Can be made common lift, endoscopic facelift can be done, Cheklift, SMAS-lifting. The latter type of operation is shown with significant age-related changes, as it allows to achieve good results. And while doing other plastic surgery (liposuction of the neck, blepharoplasty, and others.) Gives an excellent anti-aging effect.

The most effective kind of circular endoscopic facelift is lifting. Its advantages over other methods in a fairly rapid recovery, no visible scars and stitches, low trauma. And the result after surgery using endoscopic equipment more resistant than other methods facelift.

Circular facelift is best done when the skin is already beginning to sag a bit, got a second chin and wrinkles, but it is still quite elastic. Usually this operation settled people from 40 to 60 years, but you can do it, and at a later age. Result after the facelift will be more stable if the person is a healthy way of life, does not smoke, has a stable psyche.

But like any other surgery, plastic face has contraindications. These include: high blood pressure, diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system, blood clotting problems, disorders of the endocrine system, infectious diseases and cancer, loss of skin elasticity or low contractility.

Facelift - a fairly complex operation requiring precision performance. Is usually performed under general anesthesia. Standard algorithm technology implementation facelift does not exist. For each client, it is made in different ways, depending on the goals and objectives, as well as on the individual patient '. Facelift lasts from 1 to 3 hours.

After the plastic comes Postoperative period. The first day or two, the patient is still under medical supervision to prevent the occurrence of various complications. Then he was discharged home, but the first ten days he had to wear a compression bandage, which helps to reduce postoperative swelling by the end of the first week. But they completely disappear only three weeks. Only then can fully judge the result of the operation.

When successful facelift removed the double chin, tightened skin of the face and neck, sagging and flabby eliminated, wrinkles disappear, oval face becomes clearer and more beautiful.

Tags: person, result, reading, plastic, rehabilitation, facelift