Nourishing facial mask of curd

Nourishing facial mask of curd
 Cottage Cheese. It is widely used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetics. The mask of curd - is the most affordable and inexpensive way to cope with the problems of the skin, refresh, rejuvenate and nourish it.
 The curd may be used without adding any other ingredients. In this case, oily skin, apply low-fat cottage cheese, and dry - greasy. But mostly the product is used with all kinds of additives to mask the effect of the nutrient was more pronounced.

Mask for dry skin

The basis for the mask will serve fresh fat cottage cheese. To this you can add 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed carrot juice, a few drops of olive oil, 3 drops of oil solution of vitamin A or D. To prepare the masks need to carefully grind 2-3 tablespoons of cottage cheese, add one of the ingredients, mix well, apply to clean skin face and neck. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and lubricate the skin nourishing cream.

Face mask based on cottage cheese for aging skin

Two tablespoons of fresh fat cottage cheese mixed with 1 tablespoon of 30% cream, add 1 teaspoon of honey and flower 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice. All mix thoroughly using a blender, put on your face and neck with a thick layer, after 30 minutes, rinse with plenty of warm water, lubricate the skin nourishing cream.

The mask of curd for all skin types

Three tablespoons of curd will need to add two tablespoons of broth nettle. The broth must be concentrated, therefore its preparation pour into the vessel 4 tablespoons dry raw material by adding a half-liter of boiling water, in a water bath, and evaporated until there will be half volume. Decoction cool, strain and add the cheese, stir thoroughly, apply a thick layer on the face and neck. After 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

Nourishing mask for oily skin prone to acne

Prepare a concentrated decoction of chamomile. Method of preparation is the same as in the previous recipe. Two tablespoons of the broth mix thoroughly with the same amount of cottage cheese, put a mask on the face, after 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Mask-based cheese Whitening

Mix in the tank two tablespoons of fresh fat cottage cheese, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, five drops of 6% hydrogen peroxide. All carefully whisk blender, apply to face and neck, after 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Apply curd mask after using exfoliating scrub or mask 1 time per week.

Tags: face condition, cottage cheese, ingredient, domestic, leather, mask