How to wipe your face with ice

How to wipe your face with ice
 Cryomassage face - one of the most important skin care procedures. A big plus of it is that conduct such massage can be easily and at home. The main thing is to properly prepare the main component, ie, ice.
 Beauticians recommend to wipe the face and neck daily ice cube. It is said that such a procedure prevents dehydration and smoothes the bumps on the face. Due to the sharp exposure to cold blood rushes to the skin, thereby stimulating the metabolism. The only thing you have to remember is that this procedure is contraindicated in women who are located close to the capillaries under the skin. They have such an aggressive procedure can only cause discomfort and worsen the situation.

In order to properly carry out the procedure wiping the face with ice, it is necessary to know the basic cosmetic line. It is for them and should move frozen water cube. So, one of them - it's forehead. To rub it, the movement start from the middle of the forehead to the temple. Glide smoothly. Do the same to the other side. The second part of the line is at the cheekbones. Enter from the nose to the top of the ice ears. Then repeat the movement parallel lines evenly down the surface of the cheek. The final line - it's chin. Similarly, lead ice from the middle of the chin to the earlobe.

As for the neck, then it should be cleaned with vertical movements. Ice can drive without taking - back and forth.

To your cryoprocedure brought to you by only benefit, you must properly prepare and ice. To do this, take only the filtered water. Fit and sparkling without gas.

Ice you can do absolutely any - from the simple to the fruit or flower. Simple ice - it's just frozen water. He has a fairly long shelf life. As for the ice with additives, it is necessary to prepare a little differently.

You can either add the water essential oil or strained broth of herbs. Pour the workpiece on cups and put them in the freezer. Please note that this ice can be stored no more than 4-5 days. Otherwise, it will lose all its healing properties. For the manufacture of such ice choose the components that are right for you skin type.

Tags: person effect, Leda, use, cosmetology