How to remove a scar from the face

How to remove a scar from the face
 Scars on the face spoil the appearance. It is best to remove them in the beauty salon or clinic, as modern plastic and laser surgery excellent job with this task, but also can be independently smooth shallow scars.
 Treatment of superficial scars can be done at home using massage and funds from the home beauticians. Help get rid of some scars retinol or lotions based on hydroxyl acids. However, skin hypersensitivity contraindicated use such means - it may cause irritation.

Clinical and salon treatments to get rid of scars using laser therapy, in other words, the laser is used to remove the skin healed, thereby allowing to recover the living tissue.

A common way to treat scars on his face is dermabrasion. This method is known in cosmetology for a long time. Initially, dermabrasion was done using a special abrasive paper. Today, this procedure is used for the device, which removes rough skin first and then damaged. After the procedure, the skin is injured, wet and perhaps crusting. Restoring the skin continues for several weeks, during which heals and goes crust disappears redness.

Another effective procedures to deal with scars on his face is augmentation. During this procedure, a scar introduced its own fat or collagen, whereby the plane of the rumen compared with the baseline skin. To obtain a positive effect when you use this method requires quite a lot of time on the order of six months and appointed this procedure in the most extreme cases.

Of course, what method to use is determined specialists, given the choice of depth and form scars. In each case, selected as a set of procedures that will lead to a positive effect.

The perfect complement to the treatment of scars on the face are medicinal herbs. Some plants have a truly unique effect on the skin. This pantry of nutrients considered echinacea, used as exterior and interior, as well as the root of grapes, tea tree oil, oil of basil and oregano, used in cosmetics.

Tags: face, scar removal