How to reduce pores on the face

How to reduce pores on the face
 For oily skin facial pores are expanded in the forehead, nose and cheeks. They deliver to the owner a lot of trouble: do not look aesthetically pleasing and regularly inflamed. What can be done to reduce them?  
 The presence of enlarged pores on the face - a genetic problem, solve it pretty hard. Cosmetic procedures bring temporary effect, so bet to fight with enlarged pores to do its permanence.

To pick up a special daily care cosmetics. Cleanse and moisturize the skin should be means action is directed at fighting with dilated pores and "black spots". Better to choose a pharmacy cosmetics Vichy, Avene, La Roche-Posay and other famous brands. With regular use of a properly fitted funds will significantly improve the appearance of skin pores cleansed and slightly narrowed. Determine what brand of makeup suits you best, you can only empirically.

Trying to solve the problem of enlarged pores on the face, many are turning to such means as cleaning. However, in this case it is completely useless, a day or two everything is back to normal. Are not saving and median peels, to which women resort hoping to improve the appearance of skin. In the struggle with enlarged pores, they help not for everyone. If there are positive changes, the effect usually lasts a few months. However, sometimes the opposite effect - the pores become more visible.

There are simple home remedies that will help reduce pores on the face.

Classic clay mask.
Dissolve the powder white or blue clay with water to produce a mixture of a creamy consistency. Apply on clean skin, avoiding the eye area and lips. Once the clay dries, wash it off.

The mask of clay additives.
Take 3 tablespoons white clay, add 10-15 drops of lemon juice, 2-2, 5 tsp alcohol, mix thoroughly. Spread the face, after 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Protein mask.
Break the egg, separate the white from the yolk. Beat the protein, and apply it to cleansed face. Once the protein is dry and turn into a film, apply the next layer. So 3-4. Rinse with warm water. For best effect, you can add to a protein burnt alum or a few drops of lemon juice.

Gelatin mask.
At 0, 5, Art. purified warm water dissolve 1-1, 5 tsp gelatin. Add a drop of salicylic acid or a few drops of citrus juice. When the mixture is cool and solidify, it must be thoroughly mixed. The resulting gel, apply on face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Oat mask.
In a coffee grinder or blender grind a small amount of flakes of rolled oats. Dilute a small amount of warm water or chamomile. Apply on face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse.

Lemon juice.
Take half a cup of cold water, add the 1 tsp fresh lemon juice. Wash the resulting solution.

The effect of the described masks, as they say, on the face, but it does not last longer than a few hours, as, indeed, and the effect of the majority of cosmetic products. That is why to reduce pores on the face requires hard work everyday.

Tags: a person's time, the mask, the procedure, the narrowing decrease