How to massage your eyelids

How to massage your eyelids
 The skin around the eyelids - the most delicate part of the skin faces, and the first signs of aging appear here. Stress, insomnia, sunlight, water retention in the body, alcohol - all of this is bad for the surrounding eye tissue and lead to the appearance of wrinkles. Massage the skin around the eyelids - a simple but important way to relieve the load from the eyes, avoid wrinkles and overvoltage.
 Self-massage Century desirable to do every day. First clean the face of makeup. Since the eyelids can absorb oil more active than other areas of skin, the massage age using this agent particularly useful. To prevent the appearance of wrinkles by gently massage the eyes at night, rubbing almond oil or olive oil with a few drops of essential oil of rose or sandalwood, fit and cow ghee or cocoa butter. You can also do a massage with a special cream.

Follow the massage ring finger, so as not to damage the skin rough stretch and push it into unwanted places. Remember that the quality of touch is more important than quantity.

Massage the skin around the eyes in a circular motion in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inside on the lower eyelid, upper eyelid during a massage - on the contrary, from the inner corner to the outer. Take 7-10 massage movements.

Press the ends of the ring finger to the point at which converge at the nose eyebrows. Next mash eyebrows, plucking their thumb and index finger, moving from the nose to the temples. Repeat 3-4 times.

Carefully push the ring finger point on the lower eyelids slightly higher cheekbones. Do not massage. Palm put on whiskey and with light pressure make a certain amount of circular motion clockwise. Perform this movement for 30 seconds. At the end of the massage, do the tapping with fingertips - the area of ​​the lower eyelid.

Do acupressure eyes. Close your eyes, the middle finger of his left hand lock the skin in the outer corner of the left eye. Second hand ring finger massage the skin from the outer corner of the eye to the lowermost edge of the eyelid to the nose and down the upper eyelid from the nose to the outer corner. Follow the movement 6 times. In the same way to massage the skin near the right eye.

After completing the massage, wait a few minutes before you apply makeup.

Tags: Eye, skin, massage, wrinkle, age