How to get rid of scars on face

How to get rid of scars on face
 Typically, after an incorrect treatment of various inflammations face (acne, pimples, etc.). Marks remain on the skin in the form of scars. Get rid of them, though not easy, but possible. This will help you as professional treatments and proven popular recipes.

This procedure is carried out in beauty salons, after your skin examined by a specialist. It was he who appoints the necessary course and concomitant treatment. Dermabrasion is a mechanical grinding of the upper skin tissues using special devices and drugs. Typically, this is done using a nylon brush or metal. The principle of the impact of this procedure is to activate the skin regeneration process by cleaning the damaged and old cells. In addition, the smooth fine lines, evens complexion, the skin becomes more elastic and soft, compensates for the deficiency of collagen fibers. Thus, to get rid of scars on the skin for several possible procedures.

Traditional recipes

Excellent remedy for scars on the skin is a cosmetic badyaga. It can be purchased in a pharmacy in a powder, cream or ointment. To prepare the mask based on badyagi you will need 1 tablespoon of the tool, 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide solution. These components must be mixed thoroughly until the consistency of mush. Means is applied to the affected area face with light massage movements. After 7-10 minutes of detergent residue can be removed with a cotton swab (disk) soaked in warm water. Procedure is recommended to carry out 1-2 times a week until complete healing of the scar. It is worth noting that after the application on skin badyagi for some time may be slight redness. That is why this mask is best applied at the weekend.

No less effectively get rid of the scar on his face possible by means of the mask on the basis of paraffin. For its preparation you need paraffin (1 tablespoon), vegetable oil (1 teaspoon), water (1 teaspoon). These components must be mixed and slightly warm over low heat. Once the wax is completely dissolved, the mixture must be a little cool. Warm mask is applied directly to the scars for 15-20 minutes. Thereafter residues are readily removed from the skin. Procedure recommended 2-3 times per week.

Tags: skin, face, scar care, prescription medication badyaga