How to get rid of blackheads on your nose quickly

How to get rid of blackheads on your nose quickly
 The appearance of blackheads on your nose bothers many women, this is not nothing but a clogged sebum and dirt pores. To help cope with this task can quite simple cosmetic procedure.
 Daily clean the skin. Remove makeup and impurities in the evening and the morning Wash your face to remove the waste products of cells and sebum. Use scrubs or peels for your skin type. Very good effect steaming followed by the application of health masks.

Take advantage of special strips for the nose, which are sold in many cosmetic stores. Rasparte skin decoction of chamomile, then apply a strip of fifteen minutes. After this time, remove it, and wipe the skin pores lotion.

Refer to the beautician. If you are opposed to the manual method of removal of black dots, that is, extrusion, offers and other procedures. For example, dry cleaning using a fruit acid. In this case, the problem areas of the mask is applied to their high content of, due to which the skin steams and fat rods partially dissolved. After washing beautician cause pores and soothing composition for a few minutes. Another procedure is the ionization of the skin on top of a cleansing mask or lotion. Galvanic current intensity of the impact on the means used, so the content is liquefied and then comes to the surface. Also you can offer vacuum cleaning, but it is not recommended for people with weak blood vessels or the presence of rosacea.

At home, you can also reduce the appearance of blackheads on your nose. To start rasparte skin moistened in broth of herbs small piece of fabric and attach it to the nose. Then apply a cleansing mask. For example, cook it on the basis of white clay, which must stir in water to a thick slurry. Very effective egg mask. To one squirrel, add two tablespoons of aloe juice and lemon, mix well and apply on your nose. Wash it off after ten minutes. Wipe the skin every day, you can narrow pores lotion. For example, have it ready in two tablespoons of sage and calendula, which should be boiled in 200 ml of water and cool. To prevent the appearance of comedones recommended infusion of aloe leaves. Grind to a state of porridge two tablespoons of leaves of this plant, pour a glass of cold water and boil for an hour. Apply a few drops on a cotton pad and wipe his nose two or three times a day.

Helps improve skin condition and proper nutrition. Therefore Balance your diet by reducing the portion of smoked, salted and fried foods and adding menu cereals, nuts, fruits and vegetables. And drink a day for at least one and a half liters of clean water.

Tags: nose, black, point