The most common type of nevi are moles border. They are flat, slightly elevated over the formation of the skin, often dark brown color of not more than one centimeter in diameter. There are also epidermal-dermal nevi, compound, intradermal (smooth, hairy or warts), nevi Sutton, surrounded by a ring unpainted skin, dysplastic nevi, blue, blue cell and giant pigmented birthmarks, grows as a person.
Seemingly harmless, moles under constant UV radiation can develop into malignant melanoma. This is one of the most dangerous tumors, quickly giving metastases spreading blood throughout the body.
Degeneration of nevus in melanoma can occur when hormonal changes a person in finding the moles in traumatic zone, which is constantly impact, as well as other unknown reasons. Therefore, the state of birthmarks should be regularly observed. It catch disease at a stage when it can still be overcome.
Unfavorable sign degeneration of moles considered itching, burning, or the appearance of small ulcers in nevus, as well as increasing the size of moles, cracks, discoloration, presence of inflammatory areola around the birthmark and others.
At risk are people who have a lot of freckles or dark spots. You should not sunbathe from 10 to 15 hours - this is the most dangerous time. Particularly noteworthy are the mole with a diameter of more than 0, 5 cm, as well as pigmented or sharply separated from the surface of the skin.
Birthmarks on his face cause psychological discomfort, can interfere with a person authorities to carry out their functions. Mole removal occurs both for aesthetic reasons and to avoid serious consequences in medical institutions by the operation, with further analysis of tissue removed. If the studies revealed the presence of malignant cells, the treatment was continued Oncology Center.
Removal is carried out by several methods. Previously distributed way with a scalpel. Now this method is applied in the case of destruction of moles diameter greater than 3 cm.
Large moles removed in several stages. With smaller nevi using cryotherapy - birthmarks are frozen under the influence of liquid nitrogen. This operation is quite unpleasant. Considered traumatic and electrocoagulation.
The most advanced and safest method is laser therapy, which allows to remove moles to 2 cm in diameter. Absolutely contraindicated getting rid of nevi at home.
Melanocytic dysplasia - a diagnosis, in which the disease is detected promptly and can be avoided in the future development of melanoma, and thus save a life. In the early stages of developing melanoma is curable in virtually 100% of cases. Therefore, the need to constantly monitor the status of moles and do not miss anxiety symptoms.