Moisturizing mask for the skin around the eyes

Moisturizing mask for the skin around the eyes
 The skin around the eyes is very thin, delicate and sensitive, prone to stretching. Therefore, it is primarily wrinkles and signs of fatigue and lack of sleep. Begin to care for the skin around the eyes using a moisturizing homemade mask made from natural ingredients.
 The skin around the eyes requires constant care and moisturizing mask that will be long lasting youth. Take one small potato, wash under running water and peel. Rub the tuber on a fine grater and add chopped parsley (you can use a blender). Resulting slurry wrap in a double layer of cheesecloth and apply to the eyes. Fifteen minutes later, remove the mask and wash with lukewarm water, lubricate the skin around the eyes a light moisturizer.

Parsley is widely used in modern cosmetology, it contains large amounts of vitamin C, potassium, carotene, phosphorus and magnesium. In addition parsley has toning and bleaching properties, increases blood circulation. But at the same time it acts very delicate and tender that just need to sensitive skin age.

For the preparation of a moisturizing mask for the skin around the eyes, you will need parsley. Thoroughly wash and chop fresh herbs in a blender or chop finely with a knife, mix with a tablespoon of fat sour cream. The resulting composition, apply to the area around the eyes and the top cover cosmetic disks. The turn of the twenty-thirty minutes rinse with warm water and parsley. The effect will delight you - swelling subside, tighten skin and fine wrinkles disappear. It is recommended to use a mask once a week to hydrate the skin.

Honey masks perfectly moisturize the skin around the eyes. Mix one tablespoon of heavy cream or sour cream with floral honey, add a small amount of olive oil. Apply the resulting composition on the eyelids and leave for twenty minutes. Then remove the mask with warm water without soap or a cotton swab dipped in milk (so the skin will become more tender). After using honey mask dry skin around the eyes will long remain hydrated and toned.

Tags: eyes, eyelids, skin, mask, care