How to tighten oval face

How to tighten oval face
 With age, more and more women began to wonder, "How to tighten oval face? ". So, better to start asking this question as soon as possible. After all, it will be easier to take measures to prevent premature aging of the skin, which results in sagging and flabby than trying to bring the skin in proper form.

Tighten the skin you can help many masks presented in the shops in a pretty wide range. But not to go shopping, you can cook a good remedy for facelift at home.

Among the products which are used in cosmetics, home, one part has a tightening effect which we just need. This is primarily oat flour, egg white and honey. They can be used either singly or in various combinations. In the preparation of various masks for pulling an oval face at home, pay attention to the quality of the ingredients. All of them must necessarily be fresh. Spoiled food can be immediately deleted.

Med for masks should be light, liquid or sugared. Just dark honey often causes allergic reactions. You can use oatmeal instead of oatmeal. They need to grind to a state of flour. If you can use chicken eggs grown on the farm or farm friends, use them. Shop eggs are less valuable in terms of tightening of facial contours.

Take a fresh egg white, separating it from the yolk. Beat the protein to the state of the foam and apply it on your face for 15-20 minutes. Egg protein may be mixed with further components.

Another recipe lifting mask of oatmeal. You need only to dissolve the flour or ground oatmeal with water to a thick mushy state. And apply for 15-20 minutes on the face. Again, if there is, what mix flour - mix.

Honey may be warmed slightly to approximately body temperature, and spread thinly on the face. Rinse the mask after 15-20 minutes with lukewarm water.

To make the most effective mask, mix all the ingredients - namely, 1 egg white, beaten to a froth, 1 teaspoon of liquid light honey and 1-2 tablespoons of oatmeal or cereal. Is allowed to vary the composition, excluding therefrom the particular ingredient.

Tags: skin, face mask, flour, oval