How to save an oval face

How to save an oval face
 Over time, the skin becomes flabby. In the chin and the neck is particularly noticeable. It is clear oval face gives the impression of youth, so it is important to preserve. Fight to preserve the beauty of lines can be independently to the signs of aging were not visible.
 To preserve the elasticity of the cheeks, it is necessary to train the chewing muscles. Otherwise, they will weaken, and the skin gradually sags. Middle fingers pressed against the corners of the lips. Try to stretch her lips into a smile, at the same time raising their corners upwards towards the temples. You should feel as tense muscles. The skin on the face should not move. Hold a smile for ten seconds and slowly return to starting position. This exercise is to be performed fifteen times daily.

Save facial contours will help this exercise. Close your lips tightly, under the upper lip you need to form a ball out of the air. Within thirty seconds, roll it under the right and left cheek, upper and lower lip. Repeat twenty times. These actions will help remove wrinkles nasolabial triangle and adjust the chin line.

The next exercise is more convenient to perform the mirror. Round-shaped lips O. Squeeze as tight as possible to the language of the inner surface of the cheeks. Move your tongue pressed against his cheek, while pressing his cheek to the language of your fingers. Make twenty movements on each side of the face, so you have a great work out all the muscles of the cheeks.

The following exercise trains the muscles of the face. Put your elbows on the table and raise his hands to his chin, with hands put one on another. Hands to lift the chin and head at the same time provide them with resistance. Next, push the chin on hand, feeling the resistance. Dip your hands, put her head on his chest and roll it all the way from one shoulder to the other through leaning back. At each position to detain and count to five.

Vigorous massaging tongue teeth and gums also helps to maintain a clear outline of the face, as well as compression and unclamping teeth with your mouth closed.

Preservation of facial contours contribute smiles and kisses, because when these simple actions works from thirty to forty facial muscles. Kiss and smile more often, it is a good exercises for the face. You can feel the muscle tension forefingers. Place them at the lower edge of the eye sockets and press down lightly. Pull the lips into an oval. Try to smile at some corners of his mouth, and then again to pull the lips. Paw index fingers should feel as tense muscles underneath. Try to repeat the exercise at least 30 times.

Spend small daily self-massage sessions every morning and evening. The back of the fingers as a spatula, pat the skin of the face contour.

In addition to exercise and massage, to care for the facial outline, use cosmetic products that are designed specifically for your age. More active agent is better to use at night. It is very important to protect the skin from exposure to direct sunlight. Provide barrier using sunscreen creams, lotions and gels, protects the skin. Furthermore, it is desirable to avoid exposure to solar activity.

The main skin care - regularity. Train your facial muscles, helps the skin to retain youth with modern developments in the field of cosmetology, and you will look much younger than his years.

Tags: face contour, an oval