How to make white skin

How to make white skin
 It just so happens that women are constantly striving to follow the fashion. And this applies not only clothes, but also appearance. And if a few years ago at the peak of popularity was a bronze tan, which was decorated with the faces of women, even in winter, but today more and more ladies prefer snow-white, clean skin.
 Modern cosmetology gives the opportunity to fight with almost all skin imperfections, including pigmentation. The simplest and most convenient way to make the skin white - use special creams. However, in this case, it is worth considering a very important point: often the producers of the means of added active ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, some bleaching creams should not be used in women with sensitive skin. If you do decide to purchase a special cosmetics, make sure you examine its structure and give preference to, which uses natural active ingredients.
But today, more than ever, a huge popular folk recipes. Their major advantage is safe to the skin (except for individual intolerance of components included in the preparation of masks and lotions) and availability.

Suitable for daily use lotion, made from lemon juice and parsley broth, which must be taken in equal proportions. Cleansed need to wipe soaked in the lotion with a cotton pad. It should be noted that the lemon juice reduces sebum production, so the mixture is not suitable for dry skin.

Excellent tool for whitening face - essential oils of orange and lemon. Orange oil is ideal for dry skin, evens out the complexion. In the required amount of your favorite cream just need to add one drop of oil (more can cause discomfort or even irritation). This method is not suitable for people who are allergic to citrus.

And, of course, we must not forget about the masks. For tangible results they need to do on a regular basis: once or twice a week. Before applying the mask the skin should be cleaned and a couple of minutes to put on face gauze or cloth soaked in hot water.

Curd mask is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon cheese need to mix with 2 tablespoons of sour cream and add to the mix a teaspoon of salt. Leave on face for 15 minutes, rinse and apply the usual cream.
Protein mask: white of one egg thoroughly mixed with a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. It must be remembered that the peroxide concentration should be low. To avoid unpleasant consequences, better to dilute it with water.

During the summer, do not forget to use sunscreen, otherwise all efforts will be wasted.

Tags: skin, face, white, pigmentation, anti whitening