How to improve the oval face

How to improve the oval face
 Clear oval face distinguishes the young face of the old, to argue with this fact useless. The appearance of a double chin or saggy cheeks signals about changes occurring in the skin. Avoid this difficult, but you can try to prolong youth.
 To improve the blood supply to the skin, and a cell update to minimize the amount of fluid under the skin, it is necessary to hold a set of procedures in conjunction with exercise, allowing to adjust the face oval.

Do not forget that in every age need to use different cosmetics. If a young man simply moisturize the skin, in the older age too little. Care should be taken to acquire assets that are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, nutrients and amino acids. Moisturize the skin must be constantly, without this it starts to sag, wrinkles appear. Do not forget to apply a night cream, with which you can update skin cells.

Some beauty treatments can not do when it comes to the correction of facial contours. Physical exercises help keep the body in shape, with regard to the face and neck, cause muscle tone can be constantly training them. This "charge" does not take much time, and a positive result can be seen only in the case of regular exercise.

One effective way to correct oval face is the following exercise. Stand up straight, pull your chin to your right shoulder and do the movements, similar to the one that cats lick their fur. Then do the same, leaning to the left shoulder. After this, tilt your head back and try to repeat the exercise, throwing his head back. Do it at least 30 times. A useful exercise is writing out the alphabet with a pencil clamped between his teeth.

Do not forget about the massage person. It can be carried out using wet towels or palms. Keep your head straight, tighten your chin, trying to draw him into ourselves. At the same time his hands pat chin. Do weak claps, then harder.

Check charging facial desirable water treatments. On the eve freeze ice cubes from a decoction of herbs. Every morning, wipe your face with ice so by focusing more on the chin. This procedure makes the skin fresh and supple.

Tags: skin, face care, gymnastics