How to get rid of small pimples

How to get rid of small pimples
 Small pimples can evenly cover the entire face or parts of the body (chest, back, shoulders, etc.). Their appearance may be due to errors in the diet, hormonal disorders, allergic reactions to medication or food, etc.
 To start investigate the cause of acne - visit a dermatologist, turn the necessary tests. Hormonal disorders are corrected taking special drugs, allergy elimination treated provoking factor and alleviation of symptoms, etc.

Often face is covered with pimples in the morning if you have overeaten on the eve of chocolate, ice cream or nuts? In addition, these products themselves allergenic, so a sufficiently even and fatty that certainly affects the bowel condition. If your skin is prone to irritation, it is oily and often inflamed, the limit in their diet, sweet, salty and spicy dishes. Replace them with dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables - healthy meals for your skin healthier.

The sun's rays help to get rid of small pimples - it dries the skin, cover her light tan, and in combination with sea water has on the whole body a beneficial effect.

Be careful with exfoliants - aggressive means abrasive particles can damage tissue and cause even more irritation. Arrange peeling only after your skin is a little calm down and begin to dry up pimples. Prior to that, use antibacterial agents, lubricate the skin herbal infusions with anti-inflammatory effect (chamomile, sage, St. John's wort), Wash gently cleanses gels with plant extracts.

Hot steam helps to open the pores and remove dirt, clean the skin and make it more susceptible to the action of nourishing creams and masks. You can once a week to arrange a home steam facial treatment or go to the bath.

To quickly and effectively get rid of small pimples, contact beauty salon for hardware procedures. Ultrasonic cleaning, vacuum massage, ozone therapy to help make the skin clean, and additional masks and wraps healthier and moisten the cloth.

For drying and disinfecting pimples can be used independently prepared lotions and tonics. Use the available products (cucumber, lemon, honey, aloe, parsley, etc.) and make a refreshing tonic, adding to the pulp salicylic acid or vodka. Pimples useful to wipe the tea tree oil, which acts as an antiseptic.

Tags: skin, acne care, pimple