How to get rid of blackheads on nose

How to get rid of blackheads on nose
 Acne and black dots appear predominantly in the T-zone. This is due to the fact that it is on the forehead and nose sebaceous glands are most active. To solve the problem, you can use cosmetic procedures that are aimed at cleansing the pores and removing the inflammatory process.
 It is important to regularly clean the face. Use antibacterial gels for washing, and to enhance the effect, apply them with a brush or sponge. This will help to deeply cleanse pores of sebum and dirt. After washing, wipe the face tonic, only then apply a light moisturizer.

Clean the skin with a scrub, paying special attention to problem areas. Instead of peeling can be used and crushed salt, mixing in equal proportions with soda. The procedure is done on a regular basis - about 2 times a week, and if necessary through the day. Gradually descend from the nose pimples.

Do inhalation of skin. Dissolved in a liter of hot water a little soda or essential oils suitable and decoction of chamomile. After the steam procedures compress on the nose of the tincture of calendula. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Saturate a cotton ball or gauze, folded in several layers. Apply the compress on the nose for 20 minutes. Perhaps a slight burning sensation, but it gradually pass. The more you spend such procedures, the sooner pimples disappear.

Make a mask of cosmetic clay. It deep cleans pores and tones the skin. Dissolve the clay in water and add a little lemon or cucumber juice, mix well. Apply the mask on his face, not just on the nose. Leave for 30 minutes. After washing off the clay wipe the skin with tincture of calendula or tonic.

If acne is too many and they are inflamed, then put on the nose ointment with salicylic acid. Buy it possible in Pharmacy. After studying the manual safely proceed to the use of funds.

With the black dots on the nose can be overcome by using all of the above procedures. But to accelerate results and use special strips. Gradually, the skin cleansed, the main thing - is regularly care for her.

Tags: acne mask, black, point, spot