Homemade mask for mature skin

Homemade mask for mature skin
 Over the years, skin care requires more effort. Appear fine wrinkles, pigmentation, dark circles under the eyes. Of course, in order to maintain the ideal condition of the skin not only do home remedies, but they can be a huge help in such an important matter as the preservation of youth and health of skin.
 Properly cooked homemade mask for mature skin often gives a surprising effect. And most importantly - do these masks can be at any time of the foods that are readily available.

Excellent vitaminiziruet and tones the skin juice berries such as blackberries and currants, suitable for mature skin and apple pulp. In berry or fruit puree well add gelatin and honey - they promote natural regeneration of cells, you can add a drop of vitamins E and A, juice or aloe extract, ginseng.

To restore the skin can use this mask: Take 1 tablespoon of oat flour (if not, just Peremel in a coffee grinder oatmeal) and 1 tablespoon of dried spirulina algae - they are sold in a pharmacy, add a little soda (just a pinch), mix with the protein one egg and half a teaspoon of honey. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes. Rinse with hot recommend that you first, and then cool water.

Will help you to smooth wrinkles protein mask: a tablespoon of liquid honey melt in a water bath, sprinkle in a tablespoon of oat flour, and stir thoroughly, gently push the pre-whipped protein. Cooked mass apply on face and keep 15-17 minutes. Clean the face with a cotton swab.

Very effective in the fight against wrinkles this mask: on a fine grater grate raw potato and cucumber, mix thoroughly and apply on face and neck for about 20 minutes. This mask is necessary to wash off with warm water and lemon juice. After that, the skin should be oiled. Would be the best olive oil.

Mask for inflamed skin: 200 grams of sugar, 200 grams of onion, 0, 5 liters of water and 2 tablespoons of honey. Finely chopped onion, mix with sugar, cover with water and cook over very low heat for half an hour. When the mixture has cooled, add honey and strain. Apply the mask on for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Can be used to relieve inflammation and raw onions. Finely chop it and mix with flour, put on a towel and apply to the skin. This mask is necessary to wash milk, diluted with water at a ratio of 1: 1.

Tags: skin, face, pets, condition mask