Caring for thin skin

Caring for thin skin
 The thin skin is exposed to rapid aging and the appearance of premature wrinkles. Most often, it is prone to dryness, looks tired. With proper care, you can avoid the problems associated with this type of skin, and for a long time to preserve youth and beauty.
 Wash with cool water. Hot water and then vasodilatation. Wipe the face and lightly with a soft towel. The thin skin is sensitive enough and requires careful maintenance. Also for cleaning you can use cosmetic tonics and lotions that do not require rinsing. Owners of fine leather contraindicated wipe ice cubes.

Make regular exfoliation. Deep cleansing is necessary to thin the skin. Peeling effectively and gently removes dead skin cells. Therefore, the skin is clean and fresh. Choose tools with artificial exfoliating microbeads. Unlike natural, they are less traumatized skin.

Once the skin is cleansed, you can make a mask:


In a small container 30 g of yeast mash and mix with a small amount of warm milk. As a result, should get a creamy mass. You can also add a few drops of olive oil. Apply evenly on face and leave for 20-25 minutes. After this time, wash with boiled water at room temperature. This mask is perfectly nourishes and softens the skin, in addition has a rejuvenating effect.


Mix 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon sour cream, 1 tbsp boiled water and 1 tsp olive oil. Put the resulting mass on the face and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse skin with cool water.


Take 1 cucumber, grate it on grater and squeeze the juice. Then mix 1 tsp cheese and honey with 2 tablespoons cucumber juice. Thoroughly mix the ingredients until smooth. Apply a thick layer of makeup on your face. After 20 minutes, wash with cool water.

Women with thin skin contraindicated hormonal creams and ointments. Also, do not use cosmetics with biostimulants. Regular use of moisturizing and nourishing creams. Thin skin they are needed.

Tags: skin, face, mask, care, cleaning