Split hair - how to solve the problem

 When the hair is cut by this process is not be confused with anything. First curls "asking to drink": become stiff and unruly. Then refuse to be friends with a comb, are not subject to Penuel and resist all kinds of styling products ... Women's Magazine JustLady methods and how to resolve such trouble.

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Alas, in the pursuit of long cherished common sense is usually silent. And we continue to grow ... and suddenly notice that the hair closer to the ends of steel flake. Unable to withstand the aggressive influence from the outside world (the sun, hot air, chlorinated water and the constant rubbing of clothing), protective scales that cover the hair like a rugged armor begin to puff up. Exposed defenseless inner layer, curls lose moisture and the last before our eyes turn into ugly "whisk".

- Haircut

Solve the problem of split ends once and for all help scissors. Not ordinary, and hot. From the standard of hairdressing tools they differ only the presence of wires and built-in sensor that adjusts the temperature: for thick split ends - 150 ° C, for normal and fine, respectively - 130 and 110 ° C for colored scissors will cool even stronger.

Scenario standard: during each hair shearing tip slightly melted and then securely sealed. If you do it regularly, that hair is able to delaminate, you can forget. They grow better, become elastic, get live shine.

One "but":

Hot scissors are not suitable for creating model haircuts. Their capabilities are limited only trim. For creative haircuts used hot razor. It operates completely analogous.

- Change the comb

Contact with the metal even harm healthy hair, what can we say about those that are damaged almost to the ground. Perfect comb or brush, firstly, of natural origin, does not tear and does not confuse hair, secondly, is not cheap. Take the time to go to the store and choose hairdressing supplies professional brush made of ceramics. She smooths stubborn flakes, "directing" them in the right direction. The main advantage of "ceramic" is that under the influence of the dryer, it is not heated to extreme temperatures.

By the way, you can look for any special model dryers equipped with a function of air ionization. Hair it will only benefit!

One "but":

Never brush wet hair, they are especially vulnerable. If we are not this way: do not use a brush and comb with a few teeth.

Often hair whipped because of a lack of essential fatty acids, so pay attention to your diet. It must exist oily fish (tuna, sardines, mackerel, salmon, herring), and if you can not stand it, then nibbling nuts.

Do not forget that hair too thirsty: daily minimum - five glasses of water.

- Abandon the initiative

The main "enemies" of hair is considered a chemical intervention: coloring and perming. "Chemicals" disrupt the structure of the hair is washed melanin, and with it go the nutrients and vital moisture.

One consolation is that science does not stand still and the majority of professional tools for painting perform not only a decorative function, but also have therapeutic and preventive treatment. Hence the rule that preference should be given to well-proven formulations for coloring or do this procedure in the cabin, where the master will choose what is right for your hair.

One "but":

Even the most high quality dye comprises hydrogen peroxide. The exception is tint tools, such as henna or Basma, but their color capabilities, unfortunately, very limited.

- Take preventive

Split ends need to "cajole" in the literal sense of the word. For this purpose, suitable for almost any oil, whether burdock, olive oil, jojoba oil, castor oil or almond. Preheat it in a water bath, apply on hair ends and create a "sauna effect": wrap head with polyethylene (PE some like bathing caps), and on top of the towel. The main thing is that the hair was not just warm, and very warm. Allow at least an hour, then wash your hair with any mild shampoo.

Such procedures can be carried out once a week for a month or two. Then take a short break - so you insure your hair from "overfeeding".

Every time you wash your hair, apply on special preparations for split ends. Usually they are produced and the whole series include: an air conditioner or a leave-fluid means for easy fixing and masks and ampoules.

They operate on the principle of "patch", which glues the damaged scales, not allowing them to delaminate on. The effect persists until the next wash the head. If you want to renew it, contact the beauty salon. Professional line for split ends are more powerful and, most importantly, prolonged therapeutic effect. Besides, no one will be able to handle every hair as it will make the skillful hands of the master.

One "but":

Impressive effect of "repair" overshadowed, first, so-called cumulative effect. Secondly, like any tool for intensive care, drugs for split ends badly aggravate them, giving groomed appearance.


Tags: hair