To steam the face before applying the mask, fill it with a handful of dry grass or collecting boiling water. Use of a large diameter vessel, for example a bowl or saucepan. Suitable for oily skin thyme and peppermint, for normal - lavender and rose. Do not expose your skin to strong couple, wait 3-5 minutes.
Put a bandage on his head to the hair you do not interfere. Remove makeup and wash with warm water and detergent. Conveniently located so as to be able to spend some time in a bent position without discomfort.
Bend over capacity, cover with a towel. Can close your eyes and breathe in the mouth like a cold, spending the prevention of respiratory tract. To do it better in the evening, so you do not go out. Within a few minutes you will feel excessive sweating. Perform in position 8-10 minutes.
After this time, remove the towel and blot the face. Wipe the skin soaked in the lotion with a cotton swab to remove dirt and toxins that were released through sweat. Rinse your face with cool water and then apply a towel, but do not rub.
Apply a moisturizing and cleansing mask. It is possible to prepare yourself using the available means and products: cheese, honey, white clay, ground oatmeal, etc. At the end of the procedure, use your favorite moisturizer. Try to complete these actions at least 2 hours before bedtime, so in the morning on his face did not appear edema.