How to remove wrinkles between the eyebrows

How to remove wrinkles between the eyebrows
 Wrinkles between the eyebrows appear in one of the first women. The reason for their appearance can be as inept handling of cosmetic products, as well as heredity or disturbed metabolism, poor nutrition, skin or environmental factors. With age, these wrinkles become more noticeable, and if you do not take effective action, then get rid of them will be difficult. Therefore, the following tips will help you cope with these uninvited "guests".
 Completely eliminate wrinkles, especially if they are deep, difficult enough, but to deal with them can and should be. Undoubtedly, the most effective ways to combat them are injection. Thus, the most famous and popular method - is Botox, which is injected into the muscle under the skin with special thin needles. The effect of the operation can hold up to six months.

But if you do not advocate surgery, you can use medical cosmetics. It should be borne in mind that the greatest effect can be achieved using any medicine in combination with others. So, along with the latest developments of leading cosmetic companies, and you can use folk remedies, including herbs. Plus procedures such that they can be made not only in beauty shops, and at home.

One of the best anti-wrinkle considered sesame oil. Grease them wrinkles and after about an hour, remove the excess oil with a napkin.

Another effective remedy for wrinkles - a mask. Melt 100 g of honey, add 2 tbsp. l. alcohol, the same amount of water and rubbed well. The resulting mask put on the nose for 10 minutes.

Also you can prevent the appearance of wrinkles by using vitamin mixtures. Mash some fresh strawberries and mix with a small amount of vegetable oil. Add 1 h. L. honey and a spoonful of broth chamomile flowers. Hold the mask on your face for about 20 minutes, and then remove the swab dipped in milk.

In the fight against wrinkles and help exercises for the muscles of the face. Put two fingers on the wrinkles and frown heavily. You must do exercise 5 times a day 50. Thus, you gradually strengthen the muscles and it will disappear.

The following exercise to perform better in the mirror. Slowly opens his eyes as wide as possible, at the same time try not to move his eyebrows. Can hold their hands. Count to five, then relax, take a few breaths and out-breaths. Exercise should be repeated three times.

Tags: first, eyebrows, wrinkles