How to remove acne on the chin

How to remove acne on the chin
 As a result of a weak immune system, functional disorders of the stomach and intestines, gynecological problems associated with hormonal changes, poor diet, stress and even habit hands head prop may appear pimples on the chin. They may be open (with a black dot on) or closed (subcutaneous) forms.
 At constant presence of acne on the chin should first consult a doctor, gynecologist and pass the necessary studies to establish the internal causes contributing to their precipitation. Self-treatment, and even more so their extrusion, in which the very high probability of spread of the inflammatory process and introduction of a new infection, you should not engage.

In most cases, to solve the problem is assigned medication, special beauty treatments, such as ozone. However, there are a lot of folk methods to help get rid of the hated acne.

Popular inhalation of vapor, because when carrying out their skin pores open and clean. As medicinal plants for infusion, followed by the steam out of the skin, you can take chamomile flowers and lime tree (one tablespoon of each type of raw material to 1/2 liter of boiling water). After steaming the face should be wiped with a soft towel, and then with a sterile bandage impregnated with hydrogen peroxide, gently remove the left on the skin surface spots. Squeeze them in any case impossible.

Sufficiently effective result for acne on the chin gives washing your face with hot infusion of succession or lotions attachment to inflamed skin. To prepare the infusion, quite a bit of grass (1 tablespoon), pour a glass of water and keep in a water bath for half an hour.

In addition, you need to check to see whether the appearance of acne on the chin allergic reaction to apply cosmetics. It requires some time to stop the use of cosmetics, in particular tone and fatty creams possessing property clog the pores of the skin, and in the future to buy only quality products designed to care for problematic and sensitive skin.

Various gels and disinfectant solutions for cleansing the skin are sold in the pharmacy network, but their use is recommended after consultation with the doctor.

Tags: chin pimple