How to get rid of the redness on the face

How to get rid of the redness on the face
 Prone to redness and dry skin sensitive person. To avoid this, you must provide a particularly gentle care, carefully apply to the selection of cosmetics and care products. Has already appeared from irritation can be eliminated quickly enough, using natural products, created by nature itself.  
 Redness of the skin may be associated with allergic reactions or other pathological processes in the body. To rule out serious illness, consult your doctor and pass a medical examination. If deviations are found, use the traditional methods that will help you in a short time to cope with the redness and irritation of the skin.

The most famous popular way to deal with redness, inflammation and irritation is a decoction of camomile. Boil 1 tablespoon of dry raw material per 500 ml of boiling water, insist in a thermos for three hours, strain, wring out. Dampen a soft cloth with cold solution, apply to the skin for 20 minutes. This way almost instantly relieve redness, tightness and itching. After using chamomile apply to the skin light moisturizer designed for sensitive skin.

No less popular means to combat redness and irritation - cucumber pulp. To use the grate cucumber on a fine grater or chop the blender, put the flesh on the face for 30 minutes, remove the mask with a cotton pad, apply a moisturizer.

Parsley extract has whitening, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. Prepare for the application of the infusion. Brew two bundles of fresh herbs in half a liter of boiled water, 1 hour, strain, moisten a soft cloth, cover the face, except the eye area. After 30 minutes, your skin is visibly whiten, irritation, redness disappears completely.

To prevent re-occurrence of redness, Wash foam neutral or remove make-up with a liquid designed for sensitive skin. Only use tested cosmetics. By choosing the cream treat with the utmost care. Carefully read the packaging. It should be the mark that means passed dermatological control and is suitable for sensitive skin.

Tags: spot, skin, face, tool, care, red, redness, irritation, fight, red