If by scarring and pitting of the skin is quite difficult to get rid of, then remove the spots after acne can and at home. There are many ways to solve this problem.
Effective against red spots is the mask of half a tablespoon of green clay with the addition of 3-4 drops of essential oil of rosemary. To the resulting mixture was pour little cold water and stirred until a homogeneous creamy mass. The mask is applied for 10-12 minutes.
Bleaching agents against the dark consequences of acne are considered mask with lemon juice. In 2 teaspoons juice, add one egg white or ½ tablespoon of white clay. The mixture was overlaid on a dot 10-15 minutes.
Damaged areas can be cleaned with 1 teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar diluted with 3 tablespoons of pure water. Helps in eliminating the problem of blurring the treated area tea tree oil with lemon juice or lavender oil in equal shares.
You can wipe the spots after acne garlic clove, parsley broth or ice cubes, frozen from the same decoction or tincture of calendula.
A good way to remove unwanted effects of acne is a medical paraffin. It should melt it with the help of a cotton swab to apply the damaged areas, and allow to cool. Before and after the procedure is necessary to lubricate the skin nourishing or hydrating cream with vitamins A and C. The wax is not recommended for people with Spider veins on the face.
Remove stains will help mask of honey and cinnamon. 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder mix with the same amount of honey. The resulting mixture, apply for 20-25 minutes. This mask is contraindicated in rosacea.
Widely known and effective enough funds on the basis of cucumbers (overlay on the spot circles or slurry), as well as pulp from the pulp of the tomato and the same amount of potato starch.
Of course, spots after acne - problem solved easily enough, but it is better to prevent their occurrence. Take care of your skin, just treat inflammation and pimples.