How to get rid of acne in a short time

How to get rid of acne in a short time
 Acne is an inflammatory disease of the skin, caused by changes in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. They suffer 80% of the population aged 14 to 30 years. Their causes can be: poor nutrition, violation of the day, the weakening of the body, hypothermia and many internal diseases.
 Before you get rid of acne on their own, it is necessary to establish what form is this disease. If the problem has become a constant for you, with pimples occupy a larger area of ​​the face and do not go for a long time, and the skin it hurts, it's time to see a doctor. Perhaps he will deliver you a diagnosis "acne", and will have to undergo a course of therapy.

If the occurrence of acne is periodic and gives you mainly aesthetic dissatisfaction, you can try to remove them at home.

First, review your diet. Normalize the sebaceous glands can be using delisting salty, spicy and fatty foods and sweets, chips, coffee and carbonated beverages. Your regular food should be fruits, vegetables, cereal, cereals, fish, poultry and green tea. Drink at least 2, 5 liters per day.

To quickly get rid of pimples is necessary as much as possible to eat lemons. Their acid promotes rapid purification of the blood, and therefore - and the skin.

Stimulate acne alcohol and nicotine. They contain poisons that are actively destroying the natural metabolism in the body. Therefore, the one who wants to remove pimples, tobacco and alcohol not on the way.

Very important in the fight proper skin care. Special magic here. Here are already well-known principles of care - cleansing, hydration and nutrition. When choosing cosmetics should carefully select only the cream, masks, gels and lotions. They should help to eliminate acne, and simultaneously reduces inflammation from them.

Do not be carried away by frequent washing. It suffices to make it 2-3 times a day by means of special cleaning agents (preferably gel). One should not over-apply peels and facial scrubs. Their small constituent particles will irritate the skin and remove acne will be much harder.

In a quick help fight acne and traditional methods. Dampen a strong welding gauze and apply it to the patients skin for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water facility.

For large purulent manifestations useful raw beets or grated raw potatoes. They contribute to the rapid recovery of damaged skin, maturation and opening of the abscess, and dried inflammation.

You can cook the garlic tincture. To this end, 400 g of finely chopped garlic poured into the jar and pour a glass of vodka. Receipt of funds left in the sun to form a yellow solution. After this, the infusion must strain and take in the morning on an empty stomach before eating. Should start a course with 5 drops, every day increasing the dose to 1 drop. Is considered the maximum dosage of 20 drops.

Another popular recipe for quick removal of acne is a tincture of cucumber. Take 3 tablespoons grated vegetables and pour a glass of boiling water. Infusions for 2-3 hours and strain. Combine 1 tablespoon of funds received honey and mix well.

After washing, apply a cotton swab dipped in tincture, pimple on the patient and rub the mixture. After 30 minutes, rinse with cool water. Repeat procedure should be 3 times a day. When the skin condition improved markedly, it can be carried out only in the morning and evening.

Tags: time pimple