The safest place in the car

The safest place in the car
 Passenger safety while driving should be paramount. In the event of an accident is very important, where it is the passenger, as Not every seat in the cabin is equally safe.
 For many years it was believed that the safest place in the car is a passenger seat in the second row diagonally from the driver. This is the place occupied by officials of the protocol. Explained by the increased safety of the seat is the fact that almost any collision it will be farthest from the impact. Because in case of accident or collision is head-on or side. A side beat most cars on the left. Consequently, the rear diagonally from the driver's seat and safest in the frontal and side impact.

Another opinion is based on the arguments of the same statistics. If the cause of the majority of head-on collisions is leaving the opposite lane and hit the main assumes driver's side, then the conclusion is obvious. Namely, the safest place is behind the driver's seat.

In 2006, in the city of Buffalo were processed statistics on accidents from 2000 to 2003. Scientists have concluded that the safest place - it's the middle of the back seat. One of the reasons of safety middle rear seat is the largest space that is not a "compressed" in a collision, especially a side. However, we must remember that in America, by virtue of features of the device freeways, side impacts much more than head-on. But in Russia for the same reason head-on accidents are far more common.

In addition to being a clear opinion on the account of a back seat and not developed in the last decade, the statistics shows all different results. Now the least likely to find themselves vulnerable to injury are the people who choose a place near the front of the driver's seat. The reason is simple: auto manufacturers began to pay special attention to this passenger seat. Now it is equipped with additional airbags.

A simple conclusion follows. If you want to ride in the new foreign car, you should choose a seat next to the driver. And if you have to go to the old foreign car or domestic cars, the best choice would be the rear passenger seat. And what that is, let your intuition will tell.

Tags: seat, place, safety, passenger