Parting with the car ...

Parting with the car ...
 Life of modern man is inseparably linked with travel by car. And more and more time is spent on the road and in traffic jams, and machines are used and the office, and recreation. But you can feel the real life and is an iron box. Try to park the car for a couple of days in the parking lot, and the city will be opened to you on the other side.

Many pomorschatsya disgust, thinking that they are offered seats on public transport. While we are talking about hiking or cycling. Of course, most Russian cities are not designed for cycling. There are no special lanes or dedicated lanes on the road or the sidewalk, not clearly regulates the rights and duties of cyclists. Although the metropolitan areas quickly get to your destination, you can now just a bike. But everything else added features of Russian mentality when to come to an important meeting on the "great" not cool. But late for a couple of hours is quite possible, because there is all the familiar excuse - cork.

Hiking can get you a different view of the city and the usual route that you are doing every day by car. During these trips to your attention is very much hidden. Maybe it's a cozy little square, which is located behind the high-rise office building. Maybe a quiet courtyard with a playground, which is so nice to hide a child in the midday heat. Or you will discover a cozy restaurant with a terrace, where few visitors during the day, so there you will be served like a king, and make allowances. And still walking - it's a great opportunity to think. Everything in the world. Or that so worried today. Opportunity to take the most important decisions. After driving so hard to concentrate and immerse themselves.

Let these walks will be your weekly ritual. At least once a week prefer fresh air automobile exhausts. And do not worry that the voluntary renunciation of the machine will cause confusion among friends and colleagues. In turn, you can only feel sorry for the poor fellows who spend precious moments of your life to slow the existence of endless roads.

Tags: car, bike, travel, separation, the city, walk, ride