Vitamin salad recipes

Vitamin salad recipes
 When you want to treat yourself to something tasty and easy, it's time to prepare vitamin salads. They use seasonal vegetables, but that does not mean a ban on the addition of cooked lean meat, fish or poultry.

In winter, for the preparation of vitamin salad take 100 grams of cabbage, 50 grams of carrots and daikon, 1 egg, 0, 5 tablespoons olive oil, salt. Shred cabbage, little salt, and then remember well his hands, so that it becomes softer and allocated juice. Carrots and daikon, clean, grate, add the cabbage. Boil boiled egg, cool, remember fork, season with olive oil and add this dressing to the salad. If desired, it is possible to add any herbs and lemon juice.

In the spring, when our bodies need vitamins especially, prepare a salad of young radish and mung beans sprouts. Mash - like all legumes - allows you to get juicy crunchy sprouts high quality. Simply place a handful of grains on a damp cloth or tissue to cover from the access of light and remove a couple of days in a relatively warm place. Remove if the hatch and mung bean sprouts are about 2-4 mm, it's time to consume food. 100 g radish salad for vitamin cut into slices, add 45 grams of lettuce and 20 g of germinated grains. Season with salt. Refills are made of 10 g low-fat sour cream and the same amount of mayonnaise. Wonderful spring salad is ready.

Summer - a time when many ripe berries. Therefore, the option of summer salad includes in its membership and their. Take 100 g small fresh cucumbers, 30 grams of apples, peeled and seed nests, 30 grams of red currants and raspberries. Cucumbers and apples cut into cubes, currants and raspberries to loop, but if the berries from his suburban area and just ripped off - it is better not to wash. Fill this vitamin salad can live yogurt - unsweetened and without filler.

Autumn salad is best prepared from ripe tomatoes Astrakhan, Yalta onion, green salad - lettuce fit Korn, or Iceberg Lola Bianco. Add to this a little vegetable palette feta cheese. Pepper. Fill the extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice. All the ingredients for it can be taken in any quantity. To make this salad no rules, it all depends on your taste.

Tags: vegetable, cooking, recipe