How to cook ice cream at home

How to cook ice cream at home
 While the weather outside, holiday or weekday, ice cream always takes pride of place on the kitchen table every family. Among the variety of flavors, types and names, everyone chooses their ice cream. However, in the home, you can cook the product in taste is not inferior to the store, and to some extent and surpassing it.

Classic cream cooked very simply. Upon request, you can add cocoa, berries, fruits, lemon juice and other ingredients that will enhance its taste.

Need milk or cream, sugar (better if it is powder) and eggs. It is possible to use only the egg yolks, as desired. Next, you need to take a small container, preferably made of porcelain. The yolks from the eggs must be cold, so they are well shaken up, otherwise there will be "bubble effect". Milk can be pasteurized or sterilized select, in any case it should be boiled and cool to room temperature. Three eggs account for half a cup of powdered sugar or sugar, and two cups of milk. Whisk the egg yolks until smooth, add the sugar and milk and beat for about one minute.

Mass pour into a thick-walled pan and heat for five minutes. This mixture should thicken and then allowed to cool to room temperature.

Cream (about 150 ml of 33% fat) cool and whisk until thick. Whipped cream should be slightly liquid. Top Untraceable corolla, outdoors they become denser with time. Next you need to remove the pan, put it on the hour in a cool place and only then mixed with whipped cream. This should be done carefully and gradually reaching the consistency of cream. After that ice cream should be put in the freezer and stir one hour. To do so you need every hour 4 times. Such manipulations allow uniformly cured product and improve its air consistency. In decorative purposes, you can pour a lot of stick for cups and sticks. Then get some ice cream, like a popsicle.

If this recipe is to use cocoa, then get chocolate ice cream, fruit - berry ice cream and so on, the main thing - to take into account the tastes of the guests, listen to their wishes and enjoy the wonderful taste treats.

Tags: domestic, condition, ice-cream, hand, recipe