Cold snacks for festive table

Cold snacks for festive table
 Cold appetizers - an indispensable attribute of the holiday table. They can be arranged in advance, you arrange an important dinner. And you can make when guests are rassyadutsya. The main thing - to choose what to cook for a particular celebration.

The most common variant of feeding cold appetizers meets two basic rules: pickles, fish and meat products put before the guests arrive and snacks with sauces and salads stand when everything is already sitting at the table. Their choice depends, first of all, on the occasion on which we all gathered. But there are recipes that are recommended for a variety of celebrations.

Prepare rolls of smoked ham with asparagus. For them, you will need about 300 grams of ham, cut into long thin slices, 300 g young green asparagus, 1 egg, 1 egg yolk, 100 ml of olive oil, a little Dijon mustard, lemon juice and lettuce.

Asparagus boil in salted and slightly acidic water. Its shoots are preparing uneven - the top part softer, so it must be less time. Tie the asparagus into bundles, put in a pan vertically and pour water just before half. The thin part will cook for a couple. Boiled asparagus cool, spread on slices of ham, pour the sauce, whisk for which egg yolk, butter and mustard. A little salt, but not zealous. Usually myasokopchenostey contain enough salt. Rolled rolls serve on lettuce leaves.

Another appetizer suitable for a festive table literally any occasion - marinated mushrooms on skewers. Prepare 400 g pickled mushrooms, canned 100g pearl lukovok, 10 pieces of rye bread, 2 cloves of garlic and 50 ml of sunflower oil that smells like seeds. Bread cut round confectionery molds of about 3 cm in diameter, rub the garlic, fry in sunflower oil, salt, blot excess fat.

Mushrooms and small onions strain, we do not need the marinade. Strung on a skewer slice of bread, a slice of mushroom, onions and bread again. This appetizer makes sense to apply for a low wide dish. So it will look more appetizing.

Prepare pancake rolls of dough. 300 ml. 60 g of the milk must be flour, 25 ml of vegetable oil, 3 eggs a pinch of salt and sugar. Bake thin pancakes, but do not let them browned. Remove from the pan onto the fabric to absorb excess oil. Prepare the stuffing. 10 pancakes Take 200 grams of boiled salmon fillet, 75 g of cottage cheese, heavy cream 40 ml and 65 g of red caviar. Fish disassemble into fibers or chop, cheese grate, add the remaining ingredients, if desired supplement greens. Spread the pancakes with the mixture been for- tubes, cut diagonally. Serve you arrange on a plate. Why not a decoration for the holiday table ?!

Tags: Guest dish, table, cold appetizer