Terms of memorizing material: pupils and students to review

Terms of memorizing material: pupils and students to review
 Science has proven that only reusable learning the same material - a reliable guarantee that the information will be translated into long-term memory - a reservoir of our knowledge. Only he who repeats the material in a day or two a week, produces a reliable learning dynamics.

And it is not necessary to re-read through a lot of text, trying to repeat them. Learn repeat diverse, summarize the different levels. Here is an example: repeating the first time, you are learning and subtopic paragraph, and the subsequent repetition - you only have to look at the subtopic. And then, enough to have on hand the name of the section, the course or article.

If you feel that a memory having little trouble, do not rush to grab for the book or synopsis. Try to focus on and remember the forgotten, that proves how much memory is consistent. If the recall fails, your focus will still prepare a place for information.

 Practice shows that a good result only of the students who had a system in a semester, the use of multiple repetition. If the information is not supported by repetition, it is not likely to go long-term memory.

Each student is surprised: is someone's brain is able to retain so much information? One answer - can. No universal advice. It all depends on the characteristics of human memory. Studied three types: visual, auditory and motor. Some well-stored through the images on the other ear, and others - through schemes and statements.

Rote learning has no effect. It is better to use your imagination and explore the material playing. Set a goal, as in the game, and follow her. Recommendations are simple: repeat what have learned in 30 minutes, then after 10 hours in a day. Management of the program or in the textbook titles, forget about tickets and checklists. Use your skills and talents. So successful musician remember the number, associating them with motifs.

Excellent remember the material if to tell it aloud. In the role of the listener can choose anyone, even a cat or a turtle. When a person learns the material aloud, his speech is not as compressed. Remembering, do not teach the whole text, try to build a logical chain. There may be useful scheme sketches. Visual memory of many developed better. Even writing cribs helps you memorize the material, you will not have to use them.

If you want to remember lists - to give them the appearance of the structure. Try to come up with proposals with the first letter of the list, as in the children's Counting "Every hunter wants to know ...".

There is another way: take an existing sequence, for example in an apartment and tied to each subject word. Mentally let things rooms in the apartment, and then impose on them in the sequence desired material. For example, hangers - hydrogen, mirror - lithium and t. D. Applying Association, remember the material easily.

Unfortunately, mankind has not evolved so that our brain stores information instantly, so you should be content with what we have.

Tags: material, memory, students, pupils, memo, memory