I - kreditoman!

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 To date, for the loan does not necessarily go to the bank. It is enough to hire the services of credit counselors, which can be found in any large shopping center. Particularly clever ploy - sending a credit card in the mail. Grace period, various bonuses for purchases, diluted aggressive advertising, calling to buy here and now, without thinking about what it would cost in the future - this way does not, as a rule, no good. Kreditomaniya gradually becomes life-threatening illness.

Purchases on credit as psychological dependence

Kreditomaniya - a phenomenon that arose relatively recently in our lives, joins the ranks of numerous psychological dependence. Analyzing the existing problem, psychologists have drawn parallels with the addiction as gambling. Similar arguments not win now, win the next time; I can not close a loan, take another one. So, contrary to common sense, a person falls into bondage loans. Once yielding to advertising appeals and buying the desired thing to pay for that on-site is not required, he can not stop.

The opportunity to immediately get what you want, of course, is very attractive. We actively use it, often buying things without which can well do without. Creates the illusion that the responsibility for retribution can be shifted to others. Advertising loans affects the infantile part of our personality, offering to get what you want, instantly. It is very difficult to resist.

Kreditomany optimistic and careless, the prospect of being in debt seems to them not that illusory and unreal at all. Only real joy of owning a desirable thing. Financial illiteracy, inability to navigate the information space, which are exposed advertising that promotes the acquisition of material wealth as a symbol of success, leading to tragic consequences. Psychological problems caused by the situation where the debtor can not pay the bills, can develop into depression and sometimes lead to suicide.

Before you take out a loan, financiers and psychologists advise soberly assess their financial capabilities and consider a strategy for return of money without compromising personal or family budget. The loan agreement should be carefully considered for the pitfalls that often do not attract the attention of borrowers due to the fine print of the text. Give yourself a day to think, if not lost the desire to buy, it is worth taking a loan at the bank, and not magazine.Zapretite currently treat depression shopping. A person who is depressed, adequately assess their needs, increasing the risk of buying unnecessary things.

Tags: buy, thing, credit, dependence, kreditomaniya, kreditoman