How to spoil the wedding photos

How to spoil the wedding photos
 If you can not stand beautiful wedding photos and think that it is banal, boring and like everyone else, but your other half has already invited a professional photographer - do not worry, you can easily ruin the holiday pictures. To do this, simply follow some rules.

First, a smaller smile, especially when you see that you are going to shoot. "Stone" mine as nothing else is able to spoil the impression of your wedding in the photos. Turn out just fine, if your bride or groom, on the contrary, will always smile.

Second, try not to come into contact, or even better - to quarrel with the photographer. Do not listen to his requests and advice, free to choose on what background and in what position you'd better be etched. At the same time, of course, choose to shoot more crowded places and take the most unnatural and strange postures.

Third, do not devote a photographer in your wedding plans walks. Let versed in place where there can be removed and what is interesting is in this park.

Slouch. Your tired curve back great spoil even the most interesting pictures.

Often turn away from the photographer, hide from his face, look at his feet, gesticulate.

Do everything as quickly as possible, so that no photographer managed to capture the most memorable moments of your wedding. Put a ring? Do this for a couple of seconds, looking somewhere far away, or feet. Carries his bride in his arms from the registry office? Bend so that you can see how your burden is heavy.

More eat at his own wedding. Suppose that most of the photos you get with canapés, a fork with salad or sandwich with caviar. By the way, if you're in a rush hobbies food and even put a stain on a shirt or dress, your photos will be even worse.

And finally: go sunbathing in the solarium or on the beach the day before the wedding and try at least a little sunburned. Red face and shoulders to your photographer will have a fairly long process in Photoshop.

Well, actually, think several times before doing something on this list. After all, beautiful wedding pictures so nice to look at, even many years after the momentous event, remembering all the details of your wedding.

Tags: photography, wedding