How to develop a budget for women: how rational economy

How to develop a budget for women: how rational economy
 To properly dispose of women's budget, it is necessary that the amount of your expenses do not exceed income. When a woman lives alone, then it is easy to plan your budget. She knows of what she can give up what you need, and what you can not save. And when she appeared husband and children, it is already taken into account the needs of all family members. It turns out that seemingly became more money, but all the same no matter what is missing.

Man has always puzzled how you can spend all the money on the dress, and then until the next payday is, one buckwheat. A woman can not understand why it is necessary to constantly spend money on parts for the car. It easily cuts himself in power, one can eat porridge, and at the same time to be in a good mood. But the stronger sex by nourishing meal is difficult to refuse, and without fat and meat they can not do.

It is necessary to find the right solution, as used incorrectly female budget leads to scandal and confusion. When people begin to live together, they try to spend more, thinking that the family has two purses, but the cost is further increased. So how do you learn to save and not to deny yourself anything?

Firstly, you need to make a list on paper, that is your distribution costs and expenses. Look where you can save all shall describe the points. Perhaps your loved one knows how much money you need for detergents and cleaning agents. For example, food can bring to the job, it's cheaper and healthier.

Second, buy things on sale and during seasonal discounts. Make a list in advance, so you do not buy too much. In another way, you do not save, and spend much more money. Going to the store, bring only the money, but better bring your husband. Do not buy the first available thing and gifts friends and family prepare in advance.

Third, do not take the credit if you do not want to pay the interest. Money to buy, you can save, and then you can buy the right thing, not taking into debt. If you really want to buy something beyond your means, then meditate on what you can save. If the husband becomes an expensive purchase, then let it prepares to eat cheaply. Procuring food and household products in wholesale markets, shops go only necessary.

Fourth, to indulge in what is not, do not live in debt, save. Being frugal does not mean that you need to imagine something to deny. The loan can be taken in the case of a mortgage. Do not buy on credit household appliances, jewelry, fur coats. Loans are gaining those people who can not save money on the necessary thing. So avoid debt.

Now that you know how to plan a budget for women. A woman must have money for a rainy day. Once a year, or from time to time it is necessary to do an analysis of the budget. Just to let you know about your money where you spend them. If properly plan the budget for women, it is possible to live without any debts and save.

Tags: budget, SEB