Disputes scientists about the impact of mobile phone on human body

Disputes scientists about the impact of mobile phone on human body
 The emergence of mobile / cell phones make life easier for people and make it more comfortable, allowing to be in touch with the right people at any time and in any place. However, since the mid XX century began debate on the health effects of electromagnetic radiation.
 To date, unambiguous conclusions about the harmful effects of mobile phones and the extent of the damage is not, at least in the public domain. In any case, today surrounds the man so many devices and radiation, even if on TV advertising instead talked about the dangers of mobile and computers, it is unlikely they would cease to use it. However, if the health threat is real, it would take at least minimum precautions and comply with the rules of the optimal operation of equipment.

The opinions of scientists and physicians

Disputes about the safety or dangers of cell go constantly. Those who hold versions harm lead argument why detailed information on this topic is still not available - financial benefit manufacturers of cellular hide the results of research.

To communicate with the base station, the mobile phone emits electromagnetic energy. The human brain also acts as an antenna and absorbs most of the radiated energy. With long-term use may increase the temperature of living tissue and break up proteins occur adverse changes in the chromosomes. So say experts from Japan.

Health organizations recommend the use of mobile and keep it close to the head as possible as little as possible.

Therefore lovers many hours of conversation are included in the risk zone. This is especially true for children, because their brains are more susceptible to radiation. The less advanced features and games on your phone child, the better, because they are forced to use the device more often.

The experiment was conducted over four years by European experts showed that electromagnetic radiation damage DNA. Also frequent conversations on cell provoke irritability, fatigue, insomnia, sexual dysfunction and even cancer. The longer conversations throughout the day, especially increased risk of memory loss.

There is also information about the negative effects of electromagnetic fields on the nervous system, its operation, due to violations of cell membrane permeability to calcium ions. As a result, may develop depression, irritability, lack of balance. According to the Cambridge professor Shpigelhaltera, there is a "radio wave sickness", which manifests itself in the asthenic syndrome, neurasthenia. Long located in the electromagnetic field people experience fatigue and weakness, sleep disturbances, memory impairment. Also, there is an influence on the genes in the DNA of cells.

Among the scientists have opinions about the connection length using mobile and an increased risk of getting cancer and that the phones can cause allergic reactions to various substances degrade the quality of sperm. The last true even when wearing just a cell in a pants pocket.

At the conclusion of RAS employees working in standby mode, the phone can upset and cut fast and slow sleep - its most important phase.

Danish scientists, however, believe that the rumors about the dangers of mobile phones exaggerated. For their research, they have the statistics of cancer in Denmark and data more than 300 thousand phone owners. Comparing information, scientists did not see a clear link between the use of popular communications and incidence of cancer or other diseases. Others argue - do not know how often people use a cell from said statistics. In any case, application of the Danish specialists caused considerable criticism.

Someone ignores the information about the dangers of cell, saying that modern man and so is surrounded by electromagnetic radiation of different devices, and this can not avoid, and full use of food chemistry at least harmful.

And someone said, it makes no sense to panic until there are facts, allowing us to make definite conclusions on the impact of radiation phones.

Official approach

According to a June 2011 report of the WHO, in accordance with the conclusions of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, cell phones are a class 2B - class of agents, possibly carcinogenic to humans. Ie, complete confidence in no carcinogenicity.

Sanitary rules govern to some extent adversely influence phones setting certain limit frequency characteristics, etc.

Tags: body, person, phone, dispute, damage, influence, scientist