7 Steps to a new life

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 Start a new life is not straightforward, because there is always the temptation to remove it at the beginning of the new year, a new month, next birthday, and Mondays in the calendar at all enough. In order not to delay the change of life on the back burner, it should be clear to plan every step that will help you achieve this.
 1 step

You must first determine what you want to change. Perhaps you want to lose weight, get rid of bad habits, change jobs, do sports. Determine clearly specify their wish, as the correct wording is important. For example, "I'll start looking for a job" and "Record on Wednesday for an interview" - is totally different desires. First, you can easily pass on any "Monday", and the second contains the simple steps you need to perform to achieve the goal. Therefore, the more you articulate his desire, the easier it will be to carry it out.

Step 2

To start a new life and get things done, ask yourself a simple question - "why should I care?" In order to achieve the result should be understood, why do you need this goal. To answer the question, it will be easier to motivate yourself to take action.

Step 3

Decide for yourself what will be the final results, and in what time frame do you intend to achieve them. Indeed, can lose and 3 kg and 15 kg, and the time it may take and 2 months and 2 years. Specific result will be the same for a certain amount of weight loss pounds within a certain period.

Step 4

To achieve this goal will be much easier if the process fun. So try to find the most comfortable way to get results. Also, you can assign yourself a small reward for the achievement of intermediate results. It will also stimulate to action.

Step 5

Decide for yourself how, when and where you will achieve goals. If one of the items of your new life will be - driving a car, find the right driving school. Then thoroughly plan the way you will attend. So detailed plan everything much easier to act.

Step 6

Do not forget that in any case there may be unforeseen circumstances. Think in advance about what can hinder you follow your plan. Write down possible barriers separately. If they occur, you will not be tormented by guilt, and having gone through them quietly continue to achieve the desired.

Step 7

Separately, write down all the possible excuses that you may have in the process. Perhaps you will be too lazy to wake up for morning exercises classes, and you will be justified by the fact that late for work. It is advisable to immediately check all possible features and prepare answers to them himself. This approach will help you cope with the difficulties and own laziness.

Tags: way of life, a step change