People who are not in contact with the gay community, this topic is a little worried about (or should matter little) - this is normal. But if your environment was a man with gay, then perhaps you are interested in where it came from and why.
First of all, you can worry about the question of why people become gay? Is it innate or acquired orientation? At present, science and medicine did not give the exact answer. There are several theories of orientation - from hereditary or genetic, hormonal and through before the acquisition.
World Health Organization homosexuality removed from the list of mental illnesses. In addition, driven historical overview, the various attempts to treat at the beginning of the XX century did not give any results. Although currently there are sexologists and psychiatrists, taking for treatment of homosexuality. But as long as the author is not known homosexuals who feel a need for healing.
It is easy to notice that among gay men are often found subtle body - thin and fragile in appearance, with a developed musculature. And among lesbian women meet and very masculine. And it left its mark on the perception of gay men as effeminate men and lesbian women as a dork. In fact, these homosexuals in stark contrast, only a small percentage. And somatic, ie, external signs of homosexuality does not exist.
Social homosexuality occurs in a gated community - among boys in orphanages, among men and women - in prison. But such forms are rarely fixed in ordinary life, without proper internal prerequisites.
Among women, homosexual behavior is often hidden. Firstly, the commonplace considered kissing and hugging girlfriends at the meeting. And secondly, many women are too slow aware of their homosexual attractions. For this reason, time to visit married, have children, grow up before you figure out what their sexual preferences. So often lesbian couples are raising from one to three children. In addition, a stable pair of women may deliberately give birth using IVF clinics, donors.
Relationship homosexual couples are formed in the same manner as in heterosexual. Manifest the same emotions, feelings, fears, conflicts typical for conventional steam. Possible difficulties because of the similarity, for example, women's outlook or natural mood swings, often compensated for the same female diplomacy, intuition and a deep understanding of each other. The main problem in the marriage of homosexual couples - it is closed from the outside world, forced to hide their marital status or hide behind fictitious marriages from the aggression of the external world and relatives. Fortunately, there are couples who have lived for more than 15 - 20 years in the full understanding and support of family members.
Speaking of aggression. Aggression homosexuals observed in society, often called defense mechanisms. Gays and lesbians want to protect themselves from a misunderstanding, stigmatization, discrimination, and not feel the need to devote the rest of the details of his personal life. Since not everyone can easily go and worthy of debate about homosexuality and not to humiliate himself, without losing self-control, the attack appears the best way to protect.
Most importantly, what is not known about homosexuals - is that they are the same people. They have the same problems exist, hobbies, favorite or least favorite job, illness, looking for love, they experience the same emotions, just have sex. One difference - is that they have different sexual preferences. Actually, as in heterosexual men, sexual preferences differ, but not at the object of love, and, for example, poses or games.