The official name of transsexuality - gender dysphoria. These people feel that social role imposed sexual characteristics, it is not right for them. Transsexuals are trying to be perceived as a person psychologically wrong sex, which is given to them from birth, and the one that seems to them to be correct. Many of them would like to surgically alter the secondary sexual characteristics to sex change is reflected not only in appearance but also in the documents.
There are cases of transsexualism, when a person does not feel that he belongs to a particular sex, and feels his sexlessness - the so-called agendery. There are those people who can not choose one floor, combining the properties of both, they are called bigendery. There may be cases that the person feels a representative of the opposite sex, but he saved orientation innate, that is, if he changed his sex, that would be representative of the homosexual.
The main reason for the desire to find the other half for a transsexual - is to eliminate discomfort of being in the body of a man with alien features. He wants to find his own body, becoming itself, to come into harmony with his attitude. Not all transgender people do decide to have surgery, of which not everyone can get her permission. There may be a situation in which people just do not see any other way out. If the operation is not possible, then a serious case of gender dysphoria may encourage suicidal transsexual.
Sometimes people confuse transsexuals and transvestites, although it is a completely different phenomenon. Transvestite - a person who tends to dress in clothes of the opposite sex, and transsexual feels different, for it is life, and not entertainment. Sex of the person is irrelevant in this case, among transgender meet both women and men.
The most difficult period for them occurs during puberty, when secondary sexual characteristics begin to show themselves. This often puts people into depression, may even cause the tragic outcome. Teens hate evidence of belonging to someone else's floor. Boys transvestites claim that the penis and testicles cause their disgust, about 18% of them decided to samooskoplenie. Girls prefer to urinate standing up, refusing to do it sitting down. Monthly for them is the real problem, they hide the growing breasts.