Of course, it was not always correct to say, almost always was. It is impossible to imagine even the beginning of the last century girl who dared to appear topless on the beach. In that society, based on religious norms and rigid moral principles, such behavior could bring to women is very serious trouble. Woman seen in such antics, could easily be excluded from the educational institution, fired from their jobs, it is unlikely she could count on a decent groom. This is not surprising, who wants to marry a girl exhibitor for all to see her breasts?
You can argue until they were hoarse, correct or not such strict rules. Probably, everyone is free to formulate their own attitudes to the amount of clothes and the consequences of their absence. What is more important, in the early 21st century in most countries of the world, a girl sunbathing on the beach with an open chest, hardly will be taken to the police or expelled from university. Humanity is more undresses, the rules of gender relations are losing the old formalities usual suit women shortened, offers, etc. As a result, there are women who believe it possible to completely bare upper body.
Who is she, first challenged the public opinion and risked appear topless? Unfortunately, history has not preserved the name discoverer. We only know that the world's first female was removed from the upper part of the swimsuit French - the most romantic and thirsty nation. Among the known world of the first women sunbathing topless in the early 60-years. Brigitte Bardot was seen. After a few years on the beaches of France were regularly sunbathe topless a lot of actresses and models.
Currently, sunbathing topless on the many beaches of the world is not considered vulgar. But you should always remember that the freedom of one ends where the freedom of another begins. Observing this simple rule, both supporters and opponents of topless can coexist without conflict with each other.