Stellar disease: Chantal Biya

Stellar disease: Chantal Biya
 Chantal Biya - extravagant, bold and very energetic First Lady of Cameroon, Paul Biya spouse, the President of Cameroon. She constantly attracts attention with its original and very bright, the photos of the fashion world. On the pages of glossy magazines Chantal Biya has won the title of "style icon".
 Parents Chantal - Frenchman Georges Vigouroux and indigenous kamerunka Rosette Mengolo, the winner of a local beauty contest "Miss Dume." That is why their daughter refined education and knowledge of French etiquette so in harmony with the African beauty and love of extravagance. At age 23, Chantal was married to Paul Biya, President of Cameroon, who was much older than his lady. Who is the First Lady of Cameroon, 41 years old, and her husband of 79 years. But this did not prevent her enthrall its beauty loving husband, look amazing and original in every situation, especially at social events and dinner receptions.

Chantal Biya - the name in the secular press is given exclusively with the prefix "African style icon" or "the most fashionable woman in Africa." Dark-skinned smiling beauty prefers clothes from famous designers, does not appear in public without a bright make-up and fake nails, loves large luxury jewelry, is only on a huge platform shoes and hairstyle, always immaculately laid, more like a wild lion's mane. For this brand recognizable red head of hair styling local press dubbed Chantal Biya image of it as "banana".

Each new catwalk kamerunki waiting with bated breath, and then discuss the long her new outfit and as far as possible try to imitate her in everything.

The local press, and behind it, and the world's newspaper excitedly describe the extravagant First Lady of Cameroon. And, talking about her love for fashionable things, paparazzi claim that Chantal Biya never allow himself to appear in the same outfit twice.

At the same passion to spend money on expensive clothes - not the only outstanding feature of Mrs. Biya. First Lady of Cameroon, headed by several world-renowned charitable organizations - "African Synergy", "Chantal Biya Foundation," "Circle of Friends of Cameroon" - and even earned the title of "Ambassador of Goodwill" by UNESCO organization for active participation in social and charitable programs.

Tags: Style, president, fashion, illness, spouse, icy, Chantal, Cameroon