After receiving the document, you will be able to earn miles - unit in which the measured your bonuses. For every flight you get a few thousand miles, depending on the distance of the distance and class of service. To do this, when you order a ticket every time you need to specify the number of your bonus card. Also, you can receive bonuses for booking hotels that have partnered with Aeroflot. And if your card is attached to the bank, then for each payment you can also be credited with several bonuses. In some cases, such as a birthday, a company may enroll you extra mile.
Spend received bonuses you can purchase a ticket on the same or better service to business class. However, note that the ticket will not be for you completely free. Miles will not cover airport fees, which are typically 1-2 thousand rubles and more.
If you fly quite active, you can get more privileges. When dialing 25000 miles per year you get the silver, and at 50 000 miles - gold card Aeroflot. Winner of a silver card will be able to bring in additional free baggage. In addition, it will serve the queue at the counter Business Class at the airport, as well as before other passengers will be given a luggage. Gold Card will become a permanent pass to the waiting rooms of business class, as well as give an opportunity to pass the accelerated transport control.