Vaccinations babies

Vaccinations babies
 We can not say that a newborn child quite defenseless. In the first weeks of his immunity protects reliably transmitted mom. However, over time, this protection is lost, and the baby is vulnerable to many dangerous diseases. When it is necessary to begin to strengthen the immune system of the kid and most importantly, how to do it? Vaccinations babies - the theme of the next story in the women's magazine JustLady.

Vaccinations infants: types and terms

That in general is a vaccination? This vaccine is made from live (in some cases, dead) virus specific disease. They entered one way or another in the body of the kid and make him produce specific antibodies is to the disease. In general, the vaccine consists of a live virus, but vaccination for infants with weakened immune systems, according to doctors' decision, made with killed virus.

The very firstinfant vaccination will still in the hospital. It BCG - TB serum. There is nothing surprising in such a hurry. Unfortunately, in our country the situation with TB is quite tense, and doctors are trying to protect the newborn from danger.

In fact, by the rules of the vaccine should be repeated at regular intervals (booster), but in our country that have not made all in a row, only when indicated. The testimony of the tuberculin skin test is widely known as the Mantoux test.

Here you need to understand that it isnot vaccinated, namely sample, Is there a way to figure out whether to keep hitherto immunity to tuberculosis.

With three months lead kids in vaccination room in the clinic, where do all other vaccinations.

The first of these vaccines willDTP. This vaccine helps produce antibodies to the three diseases: diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus. To develop a strong immunity for several years, the vaccine do three times with an interval of a month and a half.

Be prepared for the fact that when the baby will be a year, these vaccinations have to be repeated again for strict scheme.

Terms and speciesvaccinations for infants in each country established physicians, it made a special vaccination calendar. The order of administration of vaccines and the gap between their introduction chosen so that on the one hand not to overload the body baby, on the other - that such vaccines have had effect. That is, if it is said that the re-introduction should happen in six weeks, as it should be, otherwise the whole effect of the first injection will come to nothing.

In parallel with the first administration of DTP baby vaccinated against polio as well.

Vaccinations babies measles, mumps and rubella spend when they reach the age of one year. It is also very important and should not be vaccinated skip them. How dangerous rubella for a pregnant woman and the fetus, know, probably all. So take care of the future of their girls at an early age.

However, the boys are too concerned because the future father may also pose a threat to the child and the mother. It is also very important for boys vaccinated against mumps. The fact that the pig (infectious parotitis) gives serious complications that boys hurt reproductive organs. It is clear that in this case, the baby is at risk of infertility.

Also needs to be clarified that the vaccination schedule is constantly checked and updated, it amends. This is done according to the occurrence or threat of epidemics development of new vaccines. Therefore, the timing and types of vaccinations as well as type of vaccine you best be checked with your pediatrician.

For example, in our country, in addition to the abovevaccinations for infantsAlso supposed to administer the vaccine against hepatitis B. But it is not everywhere and always. Somewhere short of funds, but in most cases it certainly is given to infants at-risk (the disease is detected in the parents).

Vaccinations babies

Vaccinations Baby reactions and complications

These two terms should not be confused that we often do parents. It is understood that the vaccine - this is load on the immune system and it is likely to cause some sort of response in a response. If a baby has a little fever, decreased appetite - this is normal.

If the temperature has risen too high, the child began rash, seizures, any education at the injection site (suppuration, swelling) should consult a pediatrician.
Moreover, in case of complications after vaccination do not rush to scold the vaccine will be examined first, whether you are preparing for vaccination and whether the basic rules of vaccination.

Vaccinations infants: preparation

As already mentioned, the vaccine - the load on the immune system. So what about the preparation for the vaccination need to take care in advance. First of all you need to know the date of the next vaccination. Up to this point is better to try not to risk the health of the child: to protect it from any contact with sick people, to communicate with outsiders, not supercool.

Nice to take children's vitamins (if recommended by your pediatrician).
Also worth considering that the place of administration of the vaccine should not be wet couple of days, so on the eve of the campaign in the vaccination room is logical to bathe the baby and carry out all the necessary hygiene procedures.

Before vaccination should see a pediatrician, so he examined the child and gave permission for the vaccination.

Should not be given a new lure, because any new product can cause allergies.
If the baby already has a tendency to allergic reactions, be sure to inform your doctor in a few days. The fact that these children also do grafting, but before antiallergic drugs prescribed to reduce reactions to the vaccine.

Vaccinations Baby after vaccination

Now the body of your baby gives all forces on the development of immunity and unnecessary burdens him to anything. Continue to protect it from contact with sick and limit contact with other children - of infections busy body can not cope.

As for feeding, in this case it is better to underfeed than overfeed (remember the extra load). If a kid does not want to eat, do not force. Keep only enough so that he drank.

Not supercool and do not overheat the baby, do not forget to regularly ventilate the room. If the temperature does not rise above 37, 5 ° C, you can go out with him for a walk, of course, according to his wearing.

If the temperature rises above the figures mentioned earlier, be sure to call your doctor. Before his arrival can be given on the basis of antipyretic paracetamol, be sure to drink. If the child is allowed vitamins, vitamin C, and let calcium gluconate.

Vaccinations Baby contraindications and medotvody

Absolute contraindications to vaccination is negligible. Basically it comes to postpone the vaccination in connection with certain diseases.

If your baby easy cold, but otherwise it feels great, most likely, there is no need to move the vaccination schedule. If he ARD, it is clear that the date of vaccination will be reviewed.

In the case of some diseases, even after recovery vaccinations are not immediately apparent. Sometimes the delay can be up to six months. This happens in case of severe disease, such as, for example, meningitis, mononucleosis, viral hepatitis.

In these cases, the body needs more time to recover, so the whole schedule of vaccination significantly shifted. However, this does not mean that they must be discarded altogether. On the contrary, time deadlines are not met, then approach to further vaccination should be even more serious.

If the baby neurological, allergic, some congenital disease, it is likely to still shows inoculation. Once they are done by a special individual schedule. Most of this for his health will observe the doctor-immunologist, who will give the necessary recommendations.

Also, in some casesvaccinated infantsAs already mentioned above, made a killed virus. Response to such vaccines are slightly different from the usual cases, in particular before they manifest themselves. Therefore, be sure to ask before inoculation pediatrician, what and when to wait. The rest should follow the general rules.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: infant vaccination, child