Tips for optimal conception

Tips for optimal conception
 Even before pregnancy, a woman should follow certain rules and monitor their condition. Only then will it be able to successfully conceive and give birth to a healthy and strong baby!

There are certain steps that should be taken before conception and which will enhance the health of your baby during pregnancy.

Bad habits.

First of all, you need to stop smoking. It is considered the main cause any problems during pregnancy, and, according to research that directly affects the health of the ovaries reduces estrogen levels. About 20% of children born with low birth weight, currently 8% mark early birth and 5% of all deaths among newborns - all of which can be associated with smoking during pregnancy. Termination of his conception increases the chances of a healthy baby.

Folic acid.

It is known that folic acid is able to protect the unborn child and his mother from a very serious illness. Benefit from taking folic acid is confirmed with each new study. Many women do not know how important it is to take this stuff before pregnancy. Its deficiency can lead to various defects in the baby. The recommended dose for women who want to conceive or already pregnant, is 400 micrograms per day. This minimum dose will promote the flow of a healthy pregnancy.


Seafood, especially tuna, sharks and other large sea fish often contain high levels of lead. Lead accumulated in the body and can cause a child set of diseases and defects. So if you want to get pregnant, to start, make sure that the fish eat food no more than twice a week.

Pass a medical examination.

If you are overweight, or lack thereof, preferably before pregnancy to bring it within limits. If you are taking medication for certain chronic diseases (migraine, diabetes, depression, chronic pain, etc.), contact your doctor. Some drugs - are safe in pregnancy, and some do not. Only a doctor can help you in their correct choice.

Tags: baby, advice, conception