Symptoms of miscarriage in early pregnancy

Symptoms of miscarriage in early pregnancy
 According to obstetrician-gynecologists, about one in five pregnancies ends with the onset of spontaneous abortion in the very early stages, that is sometimes a woman does not know about the pregnancy. Unfortunately, this problem often lies in wait for those women who have already managed to fall in love with crumbs inside his abdomen.
 Cause miscarriage in early pregnancy can be many reasons. More often than not guilty are chromosomal abnormalities, when the fetus is viable. For the preservation of the fetus in the uterus responds hormone progesterone: when shortages may occur spontaneous miscarriage. The next reason for rejection of the fetus - an infection, often sexual, but even mild ARI can lead to unpleasant consequences. A hot bath, intensive physical activity, and even violent sex life can lead to abortion.

Miscarriage in early pregnancy - a spontaneous abortion up to twelve weeks. Maturing embryo is torn away from the walls of the uterus before the moment when it can become viable. The most dangerous and very serious symptom of miscarriage in early pregnancy is even a slight uterine bleeding. Often interrupt the ensuing pregnancy starts with minimal bleeding, which will eventually amplified and accompanied by cramps in the lower abdomen. Color selections ranging from crimson to dark brown.

Sometimes these symptoms disappear for a while, and then back again. The woman's condition can deteriorate very rapidly without any apparent reason. If spotting present unique pieces of tissue, then had a miscarriage. If the fetus died in the womb even before the start of the withdrawal by the body, it appears not entirely, and parts. If the fetus comes out entirely, it looks more like a rounded gray bubble. Sometimes the discharge can be observed among the white particles. Pain and bleeding occur as early as a few days.

If you want to keep the baby, then in the event of severe pain in the abdomen and lower back, as well as the appearance of precipitates immediately call an ambulance. If early treatment, the pregnancy can be saved. Do not self-medicate, consult a medical facility.

Tags: pregnancy period, miscarriage, a symptom