Signs of labor

Signs of labor
 With the passage of time, certain doctors, expectant mothers are increasingly listened to him, trying to catch the first signs of labor. Especially going through the ones during pregnancy plagued false contractions: suddenly, delivery will catch them off guard. To help expectant mothers comes women's magazine JustLady. Today we will tell, on what grounds the doctor determined that prior to delivery there are very few days, and what phenomena indicate that the account goes on the clock.

The fact that the addition to the family is not far off, the expectant mother may know already 2-3 weeks before the hour "H". It was at this time there are verythe first signs of labor.

Signs of labor: the first signals

At one point, most women notice that it became easier to breathe, disappeared pressure on the stomach, heartburn disappeared, which has plagued them for many months. On the other hand, it is now more difficult to sit and walk, increased pressure on the bladder.

This is because the baby's head enters the stomach and pelvic ring thereby slightly lowered.

Another fairly common sign of labor, the so-called "nesting instinct". Expectant mother suddenly begins to quickly tidy apartment, tirelessly perestilali cot, wash and iron, cook and clean literally tirelessly to exhaustion.

Mood swings are also typical for this period. A pregnant woman can spend days walking with peaceful smile on his face, not noticing it seems nothing around. Or, conversely, it can suddenly become sullen and uncommunicative tries to stay away from the household.

This, as you probably guessed, depends not on the nature of women to blame hormones.
The fact that the last stage of pregnancy, the body produces an increased amount of hormones. They need to prepare for childbirth bodies: relaxes the muscles of the uterus, cervix make more elastic.

There are othersigns of laborThat mark many expectant mothers.

Women who experience false labor pains, can mark their acceleration and intensification.
Shortly before birth can reduce the weight of a woman's body.
A few weeks may appear spotting.

Also during this period can come mucous plug. This kind of barrier as it seals the cervix during pregnancy. When the cervix begins to unfold, plug off.
This happens in a couple of weeks or days before the birth, is that it leaves when the baby remains until a few hours.

Signs of labor: note at the start!

Women who already have a child, note that most of the excitement associated with the onset of labor, are in vain. Signs of labor, which appear in the final hours before the crucial moment, not to be missed or mistaken for something else.

However, let's look at them in more detail.

As already mentioned, one of these may be signs of bleeding or discharge of mucus plug.

Next time - frequent trips to the bathroom, to make the intestines.
Here are some moms are afraid, believing that an upset stomach - a sign of some sort of infection. In fact it is the body gets rid of excess ballast.

The intestine is separated from the uterus thin barrier, and the pressure on him during the passage of the baby through the birth canal, is quite strong.

This incipient delivery notes are often, but not required. If you nothing like this happens, do not worry - the doctors at the hospital will conduct the necessary preparatory procedures.

The most important and obvioussign childbirth - labor pains.
Typically, the pain occurs in the lower abdomen and can be taken as false contractions were observed during the 2-3 second trimester of pregnancy. But this is only the beginning. Because soon as painful grip and lower back, and the strength and frequency of contractions is constantly growing.

At the same time she continues to fight longer and longer, and relaxing moments are getting shorter.
When the intervals between contractions reached 10 minutes, it is best to go to the hospital. You no longer need to search for other signs of laborBecause before they left just a few hours.

Around the same time may begin to withdraw water.Amniorrhea - A reason to go to the hospital without stopping, regardless of whether there are any other signs of labor.

The fact is that since the bubble burst, the kid is nothing to protect against external influences. Should hurry up to protect it from possible infection control.

A sign that your water has broken, can be quite intense flow and light leak amniotic fluid. It all depends on where in the bubble burst, if it happened at the bottom, the water recede quickly, if at the top - will leak a little.
But in fact, and in another case, delay the trip to the hospital can not.

In conclusion, I want to remind you thoughsigns of labor all the same, they are not always seen all at once. Therefore, if you have noticed at least half of them, consider that labor has begun, and go to the hospital.

If similar symptoms appeared long before the appointed time (before 38 weeks of), better hurry to get to a doctor for consultation, in order to avoid premature birth.
The same is recommended that you make, if the period has passed for 40 weeks, and you have not even appeared distant signs of labor. In this case, you may need induction of labor.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: race, sign