Signs of false pregnancy

Signs of false pregnancy
 False pregnancy may occur in women who very much want to have a baby, or, on the contrary, those who are terrified of it. In this case, doctors say about serious emotional problems. Imaginary pregnancy symptoms are very similar to this, but passing the tests, she understands that not blame the kid, and mental state.  
 When false pregnancy a woman may quickly tire, become more whiny and even irritable. In some cases, may appear toxicosis, semiconscious state. Doctors say that the reason the psychological factor, that is, the woman persuaded himself that she was pregnant, and the body was reconstructed. It's no wonder they say that thoughts are material!

The signs of a false pregnancy can be attributed the delay of the critical days, and breast tenderness. The thing is that the body of the nervous regulation (pituitary) begins to produce hormones that affect the condition of the woman, hence the failures occur in the body.

If time does not diagnose and begin to treat a mental disorder in women may appear small belly peculiar pregnant. In some cases, the "mother" supposedly feel fetal movement. But experts say that a woman wants to wishful thinking, and increased stomach and "baby movement" is just a consequence of the increase in emissions.

Pseudopregnancy easy enough to identify. You need to do a pregnancy test (preferably in the morning), to be examined by a gynecologist-obstetrician. The doctor will appoint you a blood test for hCG and advise to do ultrasound, because the signs are very similar and lzheberemennosti with ectopic pregnancy, and disruption of the endocrine system.

Treatment of this disease is rarely required. When the woman read to her diagnosis, that is to say pseudopregnancy, it can come into a rage, angry or depressed. In the latter case, she may need psychiatric help. If a woman really wanted a baby, she needs to have a drink first, calming pills, because it's like to lose your crumbs, even if it was invented!

Tags: pregnancy symptom pseudopregnancy